Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Assessing Equivalence of Survey Questions

Cross-national and crosscultural comparisons of students' readiness and expectations
Ellen Jansen, Stéfanie André, Cor Suhre

Evaluating Attitude Measures Across Countries and Survey Programs

Cross-cultural and cross-survey measurement equivalence of political trust
Stéfanie André

Aggregate Data for Multivariate Modeling

Triadic Measures in Social Research: Examining Quality of Life Family Congruence
Gina Aalgaard Kelly

Benchmarks, Standards and Guidelines: Current Best Practice

The Development of Guidelines: Towards Best Practice in Cross-National Data Collection
Beth-Ellen Pennell, Kirsten Alcser, Janet Harkness

Measuring Survey Quality in Cross-National Surveys

Assessing Methods for Correcting Response Bias in Self-Reported BMI Data in Australian National Health Surveys
Tim Ayre, Jason Wong
Evaluation of Multiple Imputation as an Alternative to Propensity Score Weighting in Detecting Unit Nonresponse Bias
Ahu Alanya, Christof Wolf

Survey Nonresponse - Problems and Circumventions, Dodges, and Novel Attempts

The Impact of Academic Sponsorship on Online Survey Dropout Rates
Peter Allen, Lynne Roberts

Conversational and Cognitive Issues in Flexible Interviewing Procedures

Calendar Interviewing in Life Course Research: Associations between Verbal Behaviors and Data Quality
Robert F. Belli, Ipek Bilgen, Tarek Al Baghal
Conversational interviewing and the comprehension of opinion questions
Frost A. Hubbard, Chris Antoun, Frederick G Conrad

Comparative Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Where are micro policies necessary in the scope to mitigate a neglected disease?
Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Joseph Arbiol

Methodological Challenges in Web-based Data Collection

Horses for Courses? A Comparative Study of Web Crawlers for the Social Sciences
Robert Ackland, Francisca Borquez

Research Methodology for New Digital Communication Technologies

Snowball Sampling in Online Social Networks
Mahin Raissi, Robert Ackland

Spatial Methods

How to Overcome the Essentialist Understanding of Space in Globalization Studies and Social Sciences?
Anna Amelina

Exploring Collaboration and Partnerships in Social Research

Surveying in India: Hopes, disappointments, and reflections on things going wrong.
Robyn Andrews

Studying Food Choices

Developing Food Policy through 'Kitchen Table Talks': Prospects for Australia
Rachel Ankeny, Heather Bray

Coverage and Nonresponse Issues in Dual Frame RDD Telephone Surveys

A screening or overlapping dual frame approach for telephone surveys in Europe
Femke De Keulenaer, Ahu Alanya

Studying Organizations

Comprehending organisational change through process research methodology - Case of the Evolutionary Change Theory.
Hafsa Ahmed, Michaela Balzarova, David Cohen

RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology

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