Presentations and Authors

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Survey Non-response in Comparative Perspective

Weighting for unequal inclusion probabilities and nonresponse in dual frame telephone surveys
Siegfried Gabler, Sabine Haeder

The Role of Structured Metadata in Cross-national Surveys

Web-based Documentation of Longitudinal Studies
Marcel Hebing, Jan Goebel, Jürgen Schupp

Cluster Analysis

An application of statistical learning to characterisation of 44 international healthcare accreditation organisations
Max Moldovan, Charles Shaw, Wendy Nicklin, Ileana Grgic, Triona Fortune, Stuart Whittaker, Nicholas Nechval, Marjorie Pawsey, David Greenfield, Reece Hinchcliff, Virginia Mumford, Johanna Westbrook, Jeffrey Braithwaite

Managing Research Data

Toward Data Citation: DOI Registration for research data
Brigitte G. Hausstein
A Tale of Two Analyses: the use of archived qualitative data
Jo Haynes

Data Linking Methodology

What's in a name? String Comparators in Probabilistic Data Linking
Paul David Campbell, Gokay Saher, Noel Hansen, Peter Rossiter
An agent based approach to building a synthetic population for transport planning for Sydney
Nam Huynh, Francois Lamy, Matthew Berryman, Pascal Perez, Mohammad Reza Namazi Rad

Data Quality in Survey-administrative Linked Data

DDI-based metadata documentation for administrative and survey data
Marcel Hebing, David Schiller

Benchmarks, Standards and Guidelines: Current Best Practice

The Development of Guidelines: Towards Best Practice in Cross-National Data Collection
Beth-Ellen Pennell, Kirsten Alcser, Janet Harkness

Survey Nonresponse - Problems and Circumventions, Dodges, and Novel Attempts

The Theory-Testing Questionnaire Business Survey Has Passed Its Expiry Date. What Is The Alternative?
Tony Hak
Interviewers Personality and the Impact on the Participation in Telephone Interviews.
Volker Huefken

Conversational and Cognitive Issues in Flexible Interviewing Procedures

Verbal and non-verbal paradata of income questions: indicators for response quality and question comprehension of respondents
Marieke Haan, Yfke Ongena
Conversational interviewing and the comprehension of opinion questions
Frost A. Hubbard, Chris Antoun, Frederick G Conrad

Measuring Concepts for Social Bookkeeping Data

Creating the initial vocational qualification from the German microcensus Full paper PDF
Tobias Maier, Robert Helmrich

Issues Arising in the Collection and Analysis of Incomplete Longitudinal Data

Projecting probable missing hepatitis C reinfection data given a set of observations and intervals between study visits
Rachel Sacks-Davis, Emma McBryde, Jason Grebely, Margaret Hellard, Peter Vickerman

Combining Content Analysis and Survey Data: Issues, Implications and Perspectives in Individual-level Media Effects Research

Combining content analysis and survey data: How much precision do we need?
Nicole Podschuweit, Christine Heimprecht

Comparative Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Developing and validating a cross-national cumulative scale measuring attitudes toward illegal immigrants
Kees van der Veer, Laurens Higler, Susan Woelders, Reidar Ommundsen, Regina Pernice

Social Simulation and Modelling for Public Policy

QUBE-project: simulating effects of political and social measures on Germany's educational system and labour market
Robert Helmrich, Tobias Maier

New Ethnographies of Crime and Justice

A critical ethnography of the regulation of young adults and alcohol-related crime and the changing night-time leisure economy
Deirdre Howard-Wagner
Rural crime: absence or imaginary? An exploration of UK rural policy responses and the rural context.
Sam Hillyard

Qualitative Longitudinal Research

The Longitudinal Qualitative Interview
Joseph C. Hermanowicz

Research Methodology for New Digital Communication Technologies

Using Second Life to Conduct Cognitive Interviews
Elizabeth Dean, Frederick G Conrad, Brian Head

Applied Social Network Analysis

Actor-level Dynamics of Longitudinal Communication Networks to Explore Organizational Crisis
Shahadat Uddin, Liaquat Hossain

Developing Rigorous and Ethical Visual Research Methodologies

Going 3D: The challenges and opportunities of three-dimensional model building as a participant-generated visual research methodology
Lauren Leigh Hinthorne
Reflexive participation in video research: rethinking rigor and ethics in the field
Su-yin Hor, Elizabeth Manias, Rick Iedema

Spatial Methods

Grasping the Intrinsic Logic of Cities. An Example for Mixing Ethnography, Produced-Produced Data and Survey Data
Linda Hering, Anna Laura Quermann

Exploring Collaboration and Partnerships in Social Research

The importance of leadership and mutual understanding for effective health services research collaboration
Reece Amr Hinchcliff, David Greenfield, Johanna Westbrook, Marjorie Pawsey, Max Moldovan, Virginia Mumford, Jeffrey Braithwaite

Studying Food Choices

Systematic theoretical and methodological limitations of the literature on communication strategies to influence food choice behaviour
Phil Mohr, Nadia Corsini, Donna Hughes, Belinda Wyla
UK longitudinal data on food choices: examining the impact of life events
Sally McManus, Julia Hall, Jo d'Ardenne, Caireen Roberts, Matt Barnes

Coverage and Nonresponse Issues in Dual Frame RDD Telephone Surveys

Propensity Model for Weighting Dual Frame Telephone Samples
Robert Benford, Trevor Tompson, Julian Baim, John Lien, Lancey Heyman
Results from the first Australian Dual Frame Omnibus Survey
Mark Chakrit Western, Darren Pennay, Michele Haynes

RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology

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