Assessing Equivalence of Survey Questions
International Alcohol Control Study - collecting policy relevant alcohol data cross country | |
Sally Casswell |
Sampling for Cross-national Surveys
Investigation of Ways of Handling Sampling Weights for Multilevel Model Analyses | |
Tianji Cai, Guang Guo |
Data Linking Methodology
What's in a name? String Comparators in Probabilistic Data Linking | |
Paul David Campbell, Gokay Saher, Noel Hansen, Peter Rossiter |
Evaluating Methods for Testing Survey Questions
Combining multiple evaluation methods – Findings from a meta analysis | |
Michelle Joanna Gray, Debbie Collins, Meera Balarajan, Joanna D'Ardenne |
Conversational and Cognitive Issues in Flexible Interviewing Procedures
Conversational interviewing and the comprehension of opinion questions | |
Frost A. Hubbard, Chris Antoun, Frederick G Conrad |
Issues Arising in the Collection and Analysis of Incomplete Longitudinal Data
Impacts of Major Transportation Project on the Transition of Service Industries in Taiwan - An Empirical Study of Taipei-Yilan Highway | Full paper PDF |
Chih-Hsien Chen |
Comparative Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Data
Socio-informatics methods for the studies of public controversies | |
Francis Chateauraynaud, Josquin Debaz |
Research Methodology for New Digital Communication Technologies
Using Second Life to Conduct Cognitive Interviews | |
Elizabeth Dean, Frederick G Conrad, Brian Head |
Social Network Analysis - General
Analysis of large scientific networks | |
Vladimir Batagelj, Monika Cerinšek |
Applied Social Network Analysis
Applying Network Theory to Evaluate Clinical Networks in Australia | |
Frances Clare Cunningham, Geetha Ranmuthugala, Johanna Irene Westbrook, Jeffrey Braithwaite |
Tracing the City. Methods of Analysing Urban Structures and Transformations
Urban Pioneers in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Analysing spatial transformation processes with a multi-method approach | |
Gabriela Brigitte Christmann |
Indigenous Research Methodologies in the Modern Age
A Kaupapa Maori Research Paradigm | |
Fiona Cram |
I am Because We Are: Indigenous Research Paradigms and the Quest for Social Change | |
Bagele Mankha Chilisa |
Studying Food Choices
Asking children about their food purchasing behaviour: Lessons for survey design | |
Wendy Wills, Jennie Macdiarmid, Lindsey Masson, Catherine Bromley, Leone Craig, Geraldine McNeill |
Consumers, Citizens and Food Choices - using stakeholder dialogue to inform investment and policy decisions for future food technologies | |
Virginia Baker, Karen Cronin, Gerald Midgley |
Systematic theoretical and methodological limitations of the literature on communication strategies to influence food choice behaviour | |
Phil Mohr, Nadia Corsini, Donna Hughes, Belinda Wyla |
The Use of Secondary Data for Teaching Research Methods
Leading the horses to water and helping them drink: upskilling arts students in quantitative methods | |
Martin von Randow, Gerard Anthony Cotterell, Peter Byard Davis |
Sharing Best Practice for Teaching Quants using Open Educational Resources | |
Jackie Carter |
Developments in Time Diary Collection, Archiving and Analysis
The Time of Their Lives - Collecting time use data from children in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). | |
Joanne Corey, Jennifer Ann Gallagher, Elisabeth Davis |
Microblog mobile app & time-geo-tagging: a future time use survey? | |
Rina Camporese |
Studying Organizations
Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative: The Case of Researching Organisations | Full paper DOCX |
Bruce Macdonald Curtis |
Comprehending organisational change through process research methodology - Case of the Evolutionary Change Theory. | |
Hafsa Ahmed, Michaela Balzarova, David Cohen |
Improving Survey Quality: General
Measuring early life trauma among marginalised populations | |
Elizabeth Conroy, Louisa Degenhardt, Fiona Shand |
RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology
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