Presentations and Authors

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Assessing Equivalence of Survey Questions

International Alcohol Control Study - collecting policy relevant alcohol data cross country
Sally Casswell

Sampling for Cross-national Surveys

Investigation of Ways of Handling Sampling Weights for Multilevel Model Analyses
Tianji Cai, Guang Guo

Data Linking Methodology

What's in a name? String Comparators in Probabilistic Data Linking
Paul David Campbell, Gokay Saher, Noel Hansen, Peter Rossiter

Evaluating Methods for Testing Survey Questions

Combining multiple evaluation methods – Findings from a meta analysis
Michelle Joanna Gray, Debbie Collins, Meera Balarajan, Joanna D'Ardenne

Conversational and Cognitive Issues in Flexible Interviewing Procedures

Conversational interviewing and the comprehension of opinion questions
Frost A. Hubbard, Chris Antoun, Frederick G Conrad

Issues Arising in the Collection and Analysis of Incomplete Longitudinal Data

Impacts of Major Transportation Project on the Transition of Service Industries in Taiwan - An Empirical Study of Taipei-Yilan Highway Full paper PDF
Chih-Hsien Chen

Comparative Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Socio-informatics methods for the studies of public controversies
Francis Chateauraynaud, Josquin Debaz

Research Methodology for New Digital Communication Technologies

Using Second Life to Conduct Cognitive Interviews
Elizabeth Dean, Frederick G Conrad, Brian Head

Social Network Analysis - General

Analysis of large scientific networks
Vladimir Batagelj, Monika Cerinšek

Applied Social Network Analysis

Applying Network Theory to Evaluate Clinical Networks in Australia
Frances Clare Cunningham, Geetha Ranmuthugala, Johanna Irene Westbrook, Jeffrey Braithwaite

Tracing the City. Methods of Analysing Urban Structures and Transformations

Urban Pioneers in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Analysing spatial transformation processes with a multi-method approach
Gabriela Brigitte Christmann

Indigenous Research Methodologies in the Modern Age

A Kaupapa Maori Research Paradigm
Fiona Cram
I am Because We Are: Indigenous Research Paradigms and the Quest for Social Change
Bagele Mankha Chilisa

Studying Food Choices

Asking children about their food purchasing behaviour: Lessons for survey design
Wendy Wills, Jennie Macdiarmid, Lindsey Masson, Catherine Bromley, Leone Craig, Geraldine McNeill
Consumers, Citizens and Food Choices - using stakeholder dialogue to inform investment and policy decisions for future food technologies
Virginia Baker, Karen Cronin, Gerald Midgley
Systematic theoretical and methodological limitations of the literature on communication strategies to influence food choice behaviour
Phil Mohr, Nadia Corsini, Donna Hughes, Belinda Wyla

The Use of Secondary Data for Teaching Research Methods

Leading the horses to water and helping them drink: upskilling arts students in quantitative methods
Martin von Randow, Gerard Anthony Cotterell, Peter Byard Davis
Sharing Best Practice for Teaching Quants using Open Educational Resources
Jackie Carter

Developments in Time Diary Collection, Archiving and Analysis

The Time of Their Lives - Collecting time use data from children in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC).
Joanne Corey, Jennifer Ann Gallagher, Elisabeth Davis
Microblog mobile app & time-geo-tagging: a future time use survey?
Rina Camporese

Studying Organizations

Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative: The Case of Researching Organisations Full paper DOCX
Bruce Macdonald Curtis
Comprehending organisational change through process research methodology - Case of the Evolutionary Change Theory.
Hafsa Ahmed, Michaela Balzarova, David Cohen

Improving Survey Quality: General

Measuring early life trauma among marginalised populations
Elizabeth Conroy, Louisa Degenhardt, Fiona Shand

RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology

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