Cluster Analysis
Studying value heterogenity in Europe by means of multi-group latent class analysis | |
Vladimir Magun, Maksim Rudnev |
Sequence Analysis for Social Science Data
Women work histories over two generations: a dyadic sequence analysis approach to uncover patterns of mothers and daughters careers | |
Nicolas Robette, Eva Lelièvre, Xavier Bry |
Harpoon or maggot? A comparison of various metrics to fish for life course patterns | |
Nicolas Robette, Xavier Bry |
From proselytism to secularization. The social conditions of Optimal Matching Analysis diffusion | |
Nicolas Robette |
Data Integration and Analysis
Using Multiple Socioeconomic Indices in a Multicontext Assessment Battery of Filipino Youth Development | |
Melissa Lopez Reyes |
Data Linking Methodology
Multiple Imputation For Combined-Survey Estimation With Incomplete Regressors In One But Not Both Surveys | |
Michael S Rendall |
What's in a name? String Comparators in Probabilistic Data Linking | |
Paul David Campbell, Gokay Saher, Noel Hansen, Peter Rossiter |
Survey Nonresponse - Problems and Circumventions, Dodges, and Novel Attempts
The Impact of Academic Sponsorship on Online Survey Dropout Rates | |
Peter Allen, Lynne Roberts |
Taking nothing seriously. An investigation of organizational survey nonresponse. | |
Karsten Boye Rasmussen, Heiko Thimm |
Conversational and Cognitive Issues in Flexible Interviewing Procedures
Interests, Interaction and Interview | |
Peter Rieker |
Preloads as a stimulus in a life course panel survey | |
Britta Matthes, Michael Ruland, Annette Trahms |
Issues Arising in the Collection and Analysis of Incomplete Longitudinal Data
Multiple Imputation of Incomplete Multilevel Count Data | |
Kristian Kleinke, Jost Reinecke |
New Ethnographies of Crime and Justice
New Perspectives on the Study of Restorative Justice | |
Jasmine Bruce, Meredith Rossner |
Research Methodology for New Digital Communication Technologies
Snowball Sampling in Online Social Networks | |
Mahin Raissi, Robert Ackland |
Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis
Centrality, attitudes and perceptions | |
Dean Lusher, Garry Robins, Peter Kremer |
The analysis of positive and negative network ties: Conflict and cooperation in environmental governance | |
Garry Robins, Lorraine Bates, Philippa Pattison |
Application of a hierarchy of exponential random graph models to the analysis of social networks | |
Philippa Pattison, Garry Robins, Peng Wang |
Social Media Network Analysis
From transaction to meaning: Internet-mediated communication as an object of modelling | Full paper DOC |
Lucy Resnyansky, Lucia Falzon |
Applied Social Network Analysis
Applying Network Theory to Evaluate Clinical Networks in Australia | |
Frances Clare Cunningham, Geetha Ranmuthugala, Johanna Irene Westbrook, Jeffrey Braithwaite |
Indigenous Research Methodologies in the Modern Age
Whanau Talk: Exploring collaboration in indigenous centred social research on family communication in New Zealand. | |
Huia Tomlins Jahnke, Annemarie Gillies, Ani Ruwhiu |
Whanau Talk: Examining the implications of interconnectedness and relational epistemologies as frameworks within which to discuss an indigenous centred methodology on family communication in New Zealand. | |
Huia Tomlins Jahnke, annemarie Gillies, Ani Ruwhiu |
Using the Community Capitals Framework to Integrate Tradition Indigenous Knowledge into Local Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change | |
Edith Fernandez-Baca, Mary Emery, Isabel Gutierrez-Montes, Meredith Redlin |
Institutional Demands, Public Expectations and the Research Process
Talking Popper and performing Feyerabend. Why epistemology is unpopular among social scientists | |
Thomas Roessing |
Studying Food Choices
Developing an intuitive test of food hazard perceptions | |
Caroline Millman, Dan Rigby, David Jones |
UK longitudinal data on food choices: examining the impact of life events | |
Sally McManus, Julia Hall, Jo d'Ardenne, Caireen Roberts, Matt Barnes |
New Techniques in Survey Sampling
Less Selectivity by Mixing Modes? Empirical Results from Two Germany Surveys | |
Corinna Kleinert, Michael Ruland |
Best Practices in Teaching Qualitative Research
Teaching NVivo to a large cohort of undergraduate students | |
Lynne Roberts, Lauren Breen, Maxine Symes |
Coverage and Nonresponse Issues in Dual Frame RDD Telephone Surveys
Measures of mental health stigma, mental health literacy and psychological distress using a dual-frame telephone survey methodology | |
Nicola Reavley, Darren Walter Pennay |
RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology
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