Presentations and Authors

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Cluster Analysis

Studying value heterogenity in Europe by means of multi-group latent class analysis
Vladimir Magun, Maksim Rudnev

Sequence Analysis for Social Science Data

Women work histories over two generations: a dyadic sequence analysis approach to uncover patterns of mothers and daughters careers
Nicolas Robette, Eva Lelièvre, Xavier Bry
Harpoon or maggot? A comparison of various metrics to fish for life course patterns
Nicolas Robette, Xavier Bry
From proselytism to secularization. The social conditions of Optimal Matching Analysis diffusion
Nicolas Robette

Data Integration and Analysis

Using Multiple Socioeconomic Indices in a Multicontext Assessment Battery of Filipino Youth Development
Melissa Lopez Reyes

Data Linking Methodology

Multiple Imputation For Combined-Survey Estimation With Incomplete Regressors In One But Not Both Surveys
Michael S Rendall
What's in a name? String Comparators in Probabilistic Data Linking
Paul David Campbell, Gokay Saher, Noel Hansen, Peter Rossiter

Survey Nonresponse - Problems and Circumventions, Dodges, and Novel Attempts

The Impact of Academic Sponsorship on Online Survey Dropout Rates
Peter Allen, Lynne Roberts
Taking nothing seriously. An investigation of organizational survey nonresponse.
Karsten Boye Rasmussen, Heiko Thimm

Conversational and Cognitive Issues in Flexible Interviewing Procedures

Interests, Interaction and Interview
Peter Rieker
Preloads as a stimulus in a life course panel survey
Britta Matthes, Michael Ruland, Annette Trahms

Issues Arising in the Collection and Analysis of Incomplete Longitudinal Data

Multiple Imputation of Incomplete Multilevel Count Data
Kristian Kleinke, Jost Reinecke

New Ethnographies of Crime and Justice

New Perspectives on the Study of Restorative Justice
Jasmine Bruce, Meredith Rossner

Research Methodology for New Digital Communication Technologies

Snowball Sampling in Online Social Networks
Mahin Raissi, Robert Ackland

Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis

Centrality, attitudes and perceptions
Dean Lusher, Garry Robins, Peter Kremer
The analysis of positive and negative network ties: Conflict and cooperation in environmental governance
Garry Robins, Lorraine Bates, Philippa Pattison
Application of a hierarchy of exponential random graph models to the analysis of social networks
Philippa Pattison, Garry Robins, Peng Wang

Social Media Network Analysis

From transaction to meaning: Internet-mediated communication as an object of modelling Full paper DOC
Lucy Resnyansky, Lucia Falzon

Applied Social Network Analysis

Applying Network Theory to Evaluate Clinical Networks in Australia
Frances Clare Cunningham, Geetha Ranmuthugala, Johanna Irene Westbrook, Jeffrey Braithwaite

Indigenous Research Methodologies in the Modern Age

Whanau Talk: Exploring collaboration in indigenous centred social research on family communication in New Zealand.
Huia Tomlins Jahnke, Annemarie Gillies, Ani Ruwhiu
Whanau Talk: Examining the implications of interconnectedness and relational epistemologies as frameworks within which to discuss an indigenous centred methodology on family communication in New Zealand.
Huia Tomlins Jahnke, annemarie Gillies, Ani Ruwhiu
Using the Community Capitals Framework to Integrate Tradition Indigenous Knowledge into Local Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change
Edith Fernandez-Baca, Mary Emery, Isabel Gutierrez-Montes, Meredith Redlin

Institutional Demands, Public Expectations and the Research Process

Talking Popper and performing Feyerabend. Why epistemology is unpopular among social scientists
Thomas Roessing

Studying Food Choices

Developing an intuitive test of food hazard perceptions
Caroline Millman, Dan Rigby, David Jones
UK longitudinal data on food choices: examining the impact of life events
Sally McManus, Julia Hall, Jo d'Ardenne, Caireen Roberts, Matt Barnes

New Techniques in Survey Sampling

Less Selectivity by Mixing Modes? Empirical Results from Two Germany Surveys
Corinna Kleinert, Michael Ruland

Best Practices in Teaching Qualitative Research

Teaching NVivo to a large cohort of undergraduate students
Lynne Roberts, Lauren Breen, Maxine Symes

Coverage and Nonresponse Issues in Dual Frame RDD Telephone Surveys

Measures of mental health stigma, mental health literacy and psychological distress using a dual-frame telephone survey methodology
Nicola Reavley, Darren Walter Pennay

RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology

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