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Bastos, Leonardo Soares, Programa de Computação Científica - FIOCRUZBatagelj, Vladimir, University of Ljubljana, FMF
Bates, Lorraine, Social and Economic Sciences Program, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
Batista-Foguet, Joan Manuel, Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE BS
Batterham, Philip, The Australian National University
Baur, Nina, Technical University Berlin
Baxter, Jennifer, Australian Institute of Family studies
Beach, Ruth, ANU
Becker, Dominik, Technical University of Dortmund
Beckers, Tilo, University of Düsseldorf
Bédard, Pierre-Olivier, Université Laval
Bejjani, Charbel, South Western Sydney Local Health District
Belli, Robert F., University of Nebraska
Benford, Robert, GfK Custom Research North America
Bennetts, Scott, National Health & Medical Research Council National Institute of Clinical Studies
Bennetts Kneebone, Laura, Department of Social Services
Berridge, Damon Stanley, Lancaster University
Berridge, Damon Stanley, Department of Sociology/Mathematics and Statistics Lancaster University (Georgia)
Berryman, Matthew, SMART Infrastructure Facility
Berryman, Matthew, SMART Infrastructure Facility, University of Wollongong
Berzelak, Nejc, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Best, Henning, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Bevan, Alan
Beyene, Temesgen, Bahir Dar University
Biddle, Nicholas, The Australian National University
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