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Hermanowicz, Joseph C., University of Georgia
Heybroek, Lachlan, School of Social Science, University of Queensland
Heyman, Lancey, GfK MRI
Hicks, Richard Edward, Bond University
Highfield, Tim, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology
Higler, Laurens, VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Social Sciences, dep. of Social Research Methodology
Hillyard, Sam, Durham University
Hinchcliff, Reece, University of New South Wales
Hinchcliff, Reece Amr, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, University of New South Wales
Hinde, Sarah, Australian Bureau of Statistics
Hinthorne, Lauren Leigh, University of Queensland, Centre for Communication and Social Change
Hoang, Bao Tinh
Hodge, Kate, Liverpool Hospital
Hodgins, Michael, Western Sydney University
Hodgins, Michael, School of Business, University of Western Sydney
Hodgins, Michael, University of Western Sydney
Holzhauser, Kerri, Princess Alexandra Hospital/Griffith University
Honey, Nikki, The Social Research Centre Pty Ltd
Hooker, Claire, The University of Sydney
Hor, Su-yin, University of Tasmania
Hor, Su-yin, Centre for Health Communication, University of Technology, Sydney
Hor, Suyin, University of Technology, Sydney
Hosie, Annmarie, Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative, University of Technology Sydney
Hossain, Liaquat, The University of Sydney
Howard-Wagner, Deirdre, University of Sydney

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