ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

Conference Archives

ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2018

University of Sydney

Sydney, AU

Wednesday December 12, 2018 – Friday December 14, 2018

Holme Building, University of Sydney

One of the challenges in the social science methods space is it's dynamic nature. Given this and the need to keep abreast of changes and innovation, this conference provides the opportunity to reflect on where we've come from, highlight where we are and imagine our future as social scientists.

A unique feature of this conference is that it is multi-disciplinary and brings together researchers and methodologists from a range of environments and contexts.

The conference is organised around four themes:

  • Research paradigms and designs;
  • Research methods and techniques;
  • Research technology and tools;
  • Datasets, data collections and data archiving.

Each theme will have a plenary, panel or keynote; sessions where papers are presented; and workshops as appropriate.

There will be three types of papers:

  1. Full papers where the full paper is blind peer reviewed (full paper in the conference proceedings);
  2. Work in progress papers where an abstract is reviewed (abstract in the conference proceedings).
  3. Posters - including a student poster competition (abstract in the conference proceedings).

Please note, you can still benefit from attending this conference even if you do not present a paper.

This year, we are also pleased to announce that we will be incorporating the ANU-NCRM Social-Biological Methods Festival

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ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2016

University of Sydney

Sydney, AU

Tuesday July 19, 2016 – Friday July 22, 2016

University of Sydney

August 2016 will mark forty years since the incorporation of ACSPRI. In 1976 a group of forward thinking social scientists founded the consortium in order to enable Australian researchers access to high quality international social science data. ACSPRI was then responsible for the establishment of the Australian Social Science Data Archive (now the Australian Data Archive). With the broad aim of promoting and enhancing social science methods in Australia ACSPRI went on to establish its training programs in social science research methods and technology in the 1970s. These program are now held throughout Australia each year.

To mark this significant anniversary for ACSPRI the theme of our 5th Social Science Methodology Conference (conferences were held in 2006, 2010, 2012 and 2014)  is “Social science in Australia: 40 years on”. We think this is a fitting time to reflect on how social science internationally and nationally has changed over this 40 year period and to reflect also, on where we are now and what the future might hold.

One of the challenges in the social science methods space is it's dynamic nature. Given this and the need to keep abreast of changes and innovation, this conference provides the opportunity to reflect on where we've come from, highlight where we are and imagine our future as social scientists.

A unique feature of this conference is that it is multi-disciplinary and brings together researchers and methodologists from a range of environments and contexts.

With a focus on the past, present and future the conference is organised around four themes:

  • Research paradigms and designs;
  • Research methods and techniques;
  • Research technology and tools;
  • Datasets, data collections and data archiving.

Each theme will have a plenary, panel or keynote; sessions where papers are presented; and workshops as appropriate.

There will be two types of papers:

  1. Full papers where the full paper is blind peer reviewed (full paper in the conference proceedings);
  2. Work in progress papers where an abstract is reviewed (abstract in the conference proceedings).

Please note, you can still benefit from attending this conference even if you do not present a paper.

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ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2014

University of Sydney

Sydney, AU

Sunday December 7, 2014 – Wednesday December 10, 2014

The Australian Consortium of Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI) will host a conference on the 7th-10th of December, 2014 at The University of Sydney.

The goal of the conference is to provide a forum on current and emerging issues in social science methodology nationally and internationally. The is the 4th ACSPRI hosted methods conference. Conferences were held in 2006, 2010 and 2012.

Given the dynamic nature of methodology and the need to keep abreast of best practice standards and innovation, this conference provides the opportunity to explore and debate emerging issues and to discover what resources are available to social science researchers and users of research. A unique feature of this conference is that it is multi-disciplinary and therefore, brings together researchers from a range of contexts and different settings.

The conference is organised around 3 themes:

  • Research paradigms and designs;
  • Research methods, techniques, technology and tools;
  • Datasets and data collections.

Each theme will have a plenary, panel or keynote; sessions where papers are presented; and workshops as appropriate.

There will be two types of papers:

  • Full papers where the full paper is blind peer reviewed (full paper in the conference proceedings);
  • Work in progress papers where an abstract is reviewed (abstract in the conference proceedings).

Please note, you can still benefit from attending this conference even if you do not present a paper.

The ISBN for the proceedings of this conference is: 978-0-646-93962-9

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ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2010

The University of Sydney

Sydney, AU

Wednesday December 1, 2010 – Friday December 3, 2010

The Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research, Inc. (ACSPRI) will host a conference 1-3 December, 2010 at the University of Sydney. The goal of the conference is to provide a national forum focusing on current and fundamental issues in social science methodology. This is the second ACSPRI conference, the first was held in December, 2006.

Methodology develops so quickly these days that it is hard to keep abreast of innovations and current best practice. This conference provides an opportunity to reflect on contemporary methods, as applied in a range of settings and disciplinary contexts, to get a sense of emerging methods, tools, techniques and technologies, and to discover what resources are available to social science researchers and users of research.

The conference is organised around four major themes:
    * Datasets and data collections
    * Methods and techniques
    * Technology and tools
    * Research paradigms and research design

Each theme will have 1-2 plenary sessions (presentations, panels or round tables); sessions/streams where papers are presented; and short courses or workshops as appropriate. There will be two types of papers: Refereed papers where the full paper is blind peer reviewed and Work-in-progress papers where the abstract is reviewed. Work-in-progress papers are especially suitable for those working on a thesis who want feedback on their research design, and who want to meet up with others working on topics in their area.

Proposals for refereed papers (full paper - maximum 4,000 words), and work-in-progress papers (abstracts only - about 500 words) can be submitted via this website from now until 1 October, 2010.

But note that you do not have to present a paper to benefit from attending this conference.

It may still be possible to include sessions on new topics. If you are interested in organising and chairing a session, then contact <>.

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ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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