ACSPRI Conferences, RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology

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Contributions of indignous researchers to quality in research

Donna M Mertens

Building: Law Building
Room: Breakout 9 - Law Building, Room 102
Date: 2012-07-10 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Last modified: 2012-03-01


Indigenous voices are being heard more strongly in the research world than in years past. With the publication of Chilisa's Indigenous Methodologies and the research scholarship coming from other indigenous communities such as the Maori,Aboriginal,First Nations, and American Indian, the research community has an exciting and challenging opportunity to learn from our indigenous colleagues. Researchers from the West or North are often criticized for imposing their methodologies on people in the South and East. By carefully examining the principles that underlie indigenous methodologies, researchers can understand better how to address issues of social justice and human rights. The indigenous perspective in research can enhance the transformative potential of research because it is rooted in the historical and contextual experiences that must be understood and addressed if research is to have an impact on ameliorating societal inequities on the basis of indigeneity, as well other dimensions of diversity that have traditionally been used as a basis of discrimination and oppression. When indigenous principles are combined with a transformative research agenda, researchers increase the probability that they will be able to appropriately contribute to the social change needed in many marginalized communities, such as women, people from ethnic/racial minority groups or tribes, those with disabilities, and people who are deaf.