Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Quantitative Text Analysis

Manual and automatic media frame analysis: a mixed-method proposal for analyzing large corpora
Ana Carolina Vimieiro, Renato Vimieiro

Aggregate Data for Multivariate Modeling

Multl-level construct development and validation of spirituality
Matt Vassar

Conversational and Cognitive Issues in Flexible Interviewing Procedures

Data Quality in the Application of Tailored Calendar Methods in Hard-to-Reach Populations Full paper DOCX
Melissa Quetulio Navarra, Wander van der Vaart, Anke Niehof
Do Interviewers Make Good Tailors? The Effect of Conversational Interviewer Introductions on Survey Participation
David Lee Vannette
The respondents cognitive needs and the applicability of calendar methods
Wander van der Vaart

Issues Arising in the Collection and Analysis of Incomplete Longitudinal Data

Projecting probable missing hepatitis C reinfection data given a set of observations and intervals between study visits
Rachel Sacks-Davis, Emma McBryde, Jason Grebely, Margaret Hellard, Peter Vickerman

Comparative Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Developing and validating a cross-national cumulative scale measuring attitudes toward illegal immigrants
Kees van der Veer, Laurens Higler, Susan Woelders, Reidar Ommundsen, Regina Pernice
Use of Hermeneutic system for codding and statistical analysis of authorial intentions
Sigitas Vaitkevicius

Social Simulation and Modelling for Public Policy

Policy modelling and demographic ageing: Long-term health and social care
Roy Lay-Yee, Janet Pearson, Martin von Randow, Oliver Mannion, Peter Davis
Policy modelling and demographic ageing: Primary health care
Roy Lay-Yee, Janet Pearson, Martin von Randow, Oliver Mannion, Peter Davis

Qualitative Research and Online Media

Policing and crisis communications: Reading the Riots on Twitter and beyond
Rob Procter, Farida Vis, Alex Voss

The Practicalities of a Qualitative Research Project

In what ways can a researcher respond when faced with empathy? Reflections from interviews with migrants to Australia Full paper DOCX
Harriet Westcott, Laura Vazquez Maggio
Confronting the Difficulties: Applying basic approaches to a case study methodology concerning irregular migration, detention and deportation
Anderson Valmoria Villa

Methodological Challenges in Web-based Data Collection

Data quality of questions sensitive to social-desirability bias in web surveys
Katja Lozar Manfreda, Nino Zajc, Nejc Berzelak, Vasja Vehovar

Social Media Network Analysis

Twitter as a social network medium and a communication network medium Opportunities, challenges and limitations
Maurice Vergeer

New Techniques in Survey Sampling

Application of 'external validity' with a calculated indicator Full paper DOC
Andrey Aleksey Veykher

The Use of Secondary Data for Teaching Research Methods

Leading the horses to water and helping them drink: upskilling arts students in quantitative methods
Martin von Randow, Gerard Anthony Cotterell, Peter Byard Davis

RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology

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