ACSPRI Conferences, ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2014

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Institutional services for managing, publishing and disseminating research data

Maude Frances

Building: Holme Building
Room: Cullen Room
Date: 2014-12-10 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM
Last modified: 2014-10-31


Effective management of research data is fundamental to good research practice, and underpins robust research outputs. Applicants for funding from both the Australian Research Council and National Health and Medical Research Council are asked to outline plans for managing the data that result from research grants. In order to sustainably manage research data, however, researchers need to be supported by institutional frameworks in which policies, infrastructure and support services align with research methods and workflows.
UNSW Australia is developing enterprise infrastructure to support management of the University’s research data. A web-based service, integrated with archival data storage, was constructed with reference to use cases of researchers and administrative units, across the lifecycle of a research project: project initiation, grant application and management, data generation, date storage, and data publishing and sharing. The infrastructure leverages institutional and external sources of information about people, grants, projects and publications to enhance the integrity of the service and to minimise duplication of effort. It also incorporates a DOI service, which enables sustainable links between research data and publications.

This endeavour has been an institution-wide collaboration, with stakeholders from UNSW IT, the Library, the Division of Research and UNSW research communities. The presentation demonstrates ResData, a UNSW Library-based component of the infrustructure, which comprises:
• A Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) which allows researchers, including higher degree research candidates, to record metadata about research projects and data. Completion of an RDMP is a requirement for allocation of storage in the UNSW Long Term Research Data Store.
• A catalogue of UNSW datasets and collections of research materials which delivers content to websites for discovery and publication of research data, including Research Data Australia.