Data Archiving and Infrastructure
Data citation and sharing in Australian social science - culture and practices | |
Steven McEachern, Janet McDougall |
Institutional services for managing, publishing and disseminating research data | |
Maude Frances |
The potential and pitfalls of developing an interactive research database | |
Catriona Mirrlees-Black |
Data linkage: Methodological issues
Integrated Data Infrastructure - data for evidence-based policy evaluation and research | |
Guido Stark |
Adjusting for linkage bias in the New Zealand Longitudinal Census cohorts | |
Barry Milne |
Studying Complex and Changing Populations and Cohorts (Part 1)
Investigating cohort effects in longitudinal studies | |
Sally Galbraith |
Researching Indigenous Issues: getting to the core. | |
Kerrie E Doyle |
Using official data sources for model building
Merging Data From Multiple Official, Other Government, and Non-government Sources into a Microsimulation | |
Michelle Gosse |
The Australian Public Service Employee Census: A resource for workforce research | |
Alastair Warren |
Rebalancing care for older people: Simulating policy options using official data | |
Roy Lay-Yee, Janet Pearson, Peter Davis |
Environmental Migration in the Murray-Darling Basin during the Millennium Drought Period | |
Erick Hansnata |
Applications in Social Networks Methodology
Developing Trust and Conveying Authority in the Social Media Relationship | |
Grish Purswani |
A Social Network Analysis of the National Health Interview Survey Data | |
Azadeh Hemmati, Kon Shing Kenneth Chung |
Big Data - What can we learn and do? (Part 1)
Big Data: What can we learn and do? | |
Ramon Wenzel |
‘Big Social Data’ in Context: Connecting Social Media Data and Other Sources | |
Axel Bruns, Tim Highfield |
Simulating educational homogamy: Empirical possibilities with Australian data | |
Lyndon Walker |
De-Mystifying Multi-Methodology in Complex Designs
An application of a photo-based mixed-methodology to explore domestic demand for Indigenous tourism in Australia | XML |
Trinidad Espinosa-Abascal, Martin Fluker, Min Jiang |
Beyond Likert-Scale Survey Analysis: Using Open-Comments in Surveys to Depict Survey Users’ Context through Interpretation | |
Pamela J Theroux, Megan Tones |
Policy as seen through People—the Consumers in Healthcare Structures, Systems, Schemes: Multi-Methods or Annoying Practice? | |
Pamela J Theroux |
Incorporating Mixed Methods Research Design into the Index for Inclusion Framework | |
Megan Jane Tones |
In-depth Qualitative Techniques
Approaches Towards Mixed-Method Measurement of Practice-Based-Research Outcomes – ‘Flows and Catchments’ as a Longitudinal Case Study. | |
Brad Warren, Patrick West, Jondi Keane |
Utilising photovoice and poetic analysis in aged care: Lessons from the field | |
Evonne Miller, Geraldine Donoghue |
Self defining stories as methodology | XML |
Mary Jane Ditton |
Interviews, interviewing and mode effects
Can expert interviews replace direct research methods when investigating motivations and barriers to pro-environmental behaviour? | |
Fiona McCartney, Jeanette Durante |
Interviewer training and evaluation in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children | |
Catherine Lee Smith |
lessons learnt from a failure of photo-elicitation interview method in a Chinese case study | XML |
Yingying Li, Cynthia Wang |
Innovations in Automated Data Collection (Part 1)
Using Paradata for Interviewer Data Quality Monitoring | |
Nicole G Kirgis |
Quality Monitoring Strategy of 2013 China Mental Health Survey | |
Gina Cheung, Yan Sun |
Using paradata to monitor interviewer’s behavior: A case study from a national survey in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | |
Yu-chieh (Jay) Lin, Jennifer Kelley, Zeina Mneimneh, Beth-Ellen Pennell |
Using Paradata to Investigate An Unexpected Production Outcome and Associated Interviewer Behaviors | |
Shonda Renee Kruger Ndiaye |
Measuring the impact of policy change: evidence-based approaches to reducing crime
Measuring reoffending following sentencing: How different methodologies affect results and their implications for criminal justice policy-makers | |
Karen Gelb |
Longitudinal modelling of drug use within a drug court context | |
Craig Jones |
Social network analysis: Applied studies and substantive topics
Application of social network methods to assess collaboration in a National Research Partnership to improve the quality of Indigenous primary health care | |
Frances Clare Cunningham, Veronica Matthews, Anna Sheahan, Ross Bailie |
Multilevel network analysis using ERGMs and ALAAMs | |
Peng Wang, Garry Robins, Philippa Pattison, Emmanuel Lazega |
Determining brokerage and closure processes from time-ordered interactions | |
Lucia Falzon, John M Dunn |
Network governance, multilevel networks and social ecological systems | |
Garry Robins |
Social Research Using Digital Trace Data
A mask tells us more than a face: Self-disclosure and network formation in an online community | |
Kyosuke Tanaka |
Supervised machine learning for automated coding of websites: an exploratory pilot study of government hyperlink networks | |
Timothy Graham, Robert Ackland, Paul Henman |
Adaptive sampling from large-scale government hyperlink networks | |
Robert Ackland, Paul Henman, Timothy Graham |
Identifying Communities within Hyperlink Networks: An approach to mapping and analysing government on the web | |
Paul Henman, Tim Graham, Rob Ackland |
Statistical modelling for social network analysis: The state of play.
Gender homophily in Facebook personal networks of older adults | |
Mahin Raissi, Robert Ackland |
Analysis of clickstream data using the relational event framework | |
Duy Vu, Philippa Pattison, Garry Robins |
Relational Event Models for Social Learning in MOOCs | |
Philippa Pattison, Duy Vu, Garry Robins |
Balance theory revisited: Is structural balance always necessary? | |
Yu Zhao, Garry Robins |
Strategies for integrating analyses in mixed methods research
Developing culturally relevant indicators of Wellbeing - an Indigenous perspective | |
Mandy Yap |
Complementary methods: a study on the influence of cultural background over meaning of authenticity using mixed methods | |
Ramon Menendez Domingo |
Development and Initial Testing of Measures of Acceptability of Intoxication using a Mixed Methods Approach | |
Nina Van Dyke, Julaine Allan |
Studying young people's political agency: The promise and pitfalls of mixed method research | Untitled |
Sylvia Nissen |
Structural Equation Modelling in Social Sciences
Evaluating the effect of democracy to social policy effectiveness | XML |
Fadillah Putra |
Application of a hidden Markov model to assess the transitions of smoking and quitting | |
Jeong Kyu Lee, Christopher Magee, Laura Robinson |
Organisational stress: Using the Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised as a measure of organisation role stressors, personal strain and personal coping strategies | |
Richard Edward Hicks, Mark Bahr |
Using Structural Equation Modelling to Determine Predictors for Public Acceptance of Genetically Modified Food: Limitations and Strategies | |
Latifah Amin |
Assessing the Impact of the Social Sciences
Valuing the social sciences. An agenda for hard times. | |
Peter Davis |
From theory to practice: a new understanding and doing of social science | |
Sean McNelis |
The Public’s Experience of Law: Large-Scale Surveys of Civil Legal Problems and their Impact on Access to Justice Policy | |
Pascoe Pleasence, Nigel Balmer |
Evaluating for Public Policy
Immigrants’ integration, cultural identities, second language pedagogies, and the new information and communication technologies | |
Lucy Resnyansky |
Reconsidering Randomised Controlled Trials as the ‘Gold Standard’: A methodological journey through the design of a psychotherapy research project | |
Celia Conolly |
Social Sciences Research Supporting Food Regulation in Australia New Zealand | |
Michelle Gosse |
Measurement and Other Errors (with a focus on TSE) (Part 1)
Introducing the Total Survey Error (TSE) framework | |
Darren Walter Pennay |
Using on-line survey technology to investigate differences between researchers' and respondents' attribution of meaning to their reported experiences of interpersonal misconduct. | |
Ruth Beach |
Methodological Issues in Cross National or Comparative Research
Surveys of Legal Need Worldwide (and When Small Methodological Changes Can Result in Big Differences) | |
Nigel J Balmer, Pascoe Pleasence |
“It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view.” ― George Eliot, Middlemarch | XML |
Michelle Anne Elmitt, Temesgen Beyene |
The Gender Wage Gap in Bangladesh: An application of Olsen and Walby simulation method | XML |
Nafisa Anjum, Anne Daly |
Positive organisational scholarship: A space for methodological creativity
A POSH way to enhance health service management: Inquiry and engagement intertwined | XML |
Ann Dadich, Liz Fulop, Anne Smyth, Mary Ditton |
Interprofessional practice in healthcare – A POSH approach | XML |
Ann Dadich, Rebecca E Olson |
Utilizing Photovoice Methodology to Examine Mental Health Medication Use | DOCX |
Gina Aalgaard Kelly |
Quality in qualitative research
‘Quality in Qualitative Research – what do we know? What do we need to know?’ | |
Karen Kellard |
Qualitative data collection in conflict zones: is ‘Trustworthiness’ the first casualty? | |
Gillian Kerr-Sheppard |
Social network research: Research designs and methods
Online recruitment: Poisoned chalice or light at the end of the recruitment tunnel? | |
Carmel M Taddeo, Daly L Daly, Barbara A Spears |
Partial Sociometric Research Designs: Do we always need complete whole network data? | |
Malcolm Alexander |
Causality in social network research | |
Garry Robins |
Studying Hard to Locate Populations
International backpackers: no fixed address but not out of reach | |
Elsa Underhill |
Conducting sensitive research in volatile online environments: the Silk Road story | |
Monica Jane Barratt, Alexia Maddox, Simon Lenton, Matthew Allen |
Investigating the Open Source Community | |
Lara Michele Thynne |
Studying Organisations: Surveys and Other Methods
Analysis of free text response data in large surveys: a comparison between manual and automated analyses | |
Gillian Little, Arwen Mow-Lowry, Tony Cotton, Fiona Buick, Blackman Deborah |
Use of photo-elicitation to gain insights into the nature of self-managed teams in the academic world | XML |
Josephine Pryce, Taha Chaiechi, Sue Ciccotosto, Heron Loban |
Theoretical, Conceptual and Other Issues
The various types and uses of Conceptual Frameworks in research | |
Craig McDonald, John Rayner |
Reporting logistic regression analysis – should we focus on probabilities instead of odds ratios? | |
Curt Hagquist |
Conceptualising Employability and Transferable Skills in Australia and the European Union | |
Denise Elizabeth Faifua |
Studying Complex and Changing Populations and Cohorts (Part 2)
Methodological innovations for a complex population | |
Diana Smart, Saul Flaxman, Kylie Brosnan, John De Maio, Michelle Silbert |
The emergence of open social systems: research methods for global online communities. | |
Alexia Maddox |
Informing Policy Research using the Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset
Creating and Analysing the ACLD: Overcoming errors in the linked dataset | |
Phillip Gould |
Ethnic mobility or statistical ethnic mobility? The implications of changing Indigenous status for data linking and population projections | |
Nicholas Biddle, Paul Campbell |
Big Data - What can we learn and do? (Part 2)
Methodology for Sociolinguistic Social Network Analysis of Facebook | |
David Glance, Wei Liu, Shenlong Gu |
Supply Chain Data Scientists and Performance of Data-Driven Global Agrifood Supply Chains | |
Pervaiz Akhtar, Zaheer Khan |
Silver Bullets Or Selling The Family Silver? Governance and Methodologies In Commercializing Health Big Data | |
Bruce Baer Arnold |
Data in context: social scientific studies of natural disaster and the analysis of social media | Untitled |
Lucy Resnyansky |
Innovations in Automated Data Collection (Part 2)
Using Multiple Modes of Collection -- Systems, Management, and Paradata | |
Patricia Maher, Gina Cheung |
Using photo elicitation to understand customer experiences – Some lessons learned | XML |
Wei LIU, Beverley Sparks, Alexandra Coghlan |
Automated logic design for questionnaires | |
Samuel Spencer |
Using new technologies in international social research | |
Gina Cheung, Beth-Ellen Pennell |
Measurement and Other Errors (with a focus on TSE) (Part 2)
Mitigating errors of representation: a practical case study of the University Experience Survey | XML |
Sonia Whiteley |
Poststratification and optimal weighting strategies for dual frame telephone surveys in Australia | |
Shane Dinsdale |
As you Likert – cross-mode equivalence of administering lengthy self-report instruments via text message | Untitled |
Erin Ingrid Walsh |
Q and A Session: Dual-Mode Design Considerations for Web Surveys
Dual-Mode Design Considerations for Web Surveys | |
Curtiss Cobb |
ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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