Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Data linkage: Methodological issues

Integrated Data Infrastructure - data for evidence-based policy evaluation and research
Guido Stark

Interviews, interviewing and mode effects

Interviewer training and evaluation in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
Catherine Lee Smith

Innovations in Automated Data Collection (Part 1)

Quality Monitoring Strategy of 2013 China Mental Health Survey
Gina Cheung, Yan Sun

Social network analysis: Applied studies and substantive topics

Application of social network methods to assess collaboration in a National Research Partnership to improve the quality of Indigenous primary health care
Frances Clare Cunningham, Veronica Matthews, Anna Sheahan, Ross Bailie

Positive organisational scholarship: A space for methodological creativity

A POSH way to enhance health service management: Inquiry and engagement intertwined XML
Ann Dadich, Liz Fulop, Anne Smyth, Mary Ditton

Social network research: Research designs and methods

Online recruitment: Poisoned chalice or light at the end of the recruitment tunnel?
Carmel M Taddeo, Daly L Daly, Barbara A Spears

Studying Complex and Changing Populations and Cohorts (Part 2)

Methodological innovations for a complex population
Diana Smart, Saul Flaxman, Kylie Brosnan, John De Maio, Michelle Silbert

Innovations in Automated Data Collection (Part 2)

Using photo elicitation to understand customer experiences – Some lessons learned XML
Wei LIU, Beverley Sparks, Alexandra Coghlan
Automated logic design for questionnaires
Samuel Spencer

ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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