ACSPRI Conferences, ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2018

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Growing up in a longitudinal study – Engaging young people as they become adults.

Jodie Taylor, Lorraine Attard

Building: Holme Building
Room: Withdrawing Room
Date: 2018-12-13 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM
Last modified: 2018-10-22


The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC), also known as Growing Up in Australia, commenced in 2004 when parents of approximately 5, 000 babies and 5,000 4-5 year olds were recruited to the study. Now in 2018, the older cohort has turned 18. Our challenge is to keep these new adults engaged enough to remain in a study that their parents agreed to take part in 14 years ago.
The key activity undertaken by LSAC was the 18th birthday exercise where we attempted to make contact with our entire older cohort around their 18th birthday. At this call we confirmed all contact information which served as a tracking exercise prior to the next wave. As well we starting educating the cohort about the future of the study and in particular, the changes to the Wave 8 interview - where the young adult is interviewed by themselves for the first time, and the introduction of a online component prior to the interviewer visit to the home.
We also mailed out of a card, a certificate of participation and a gift card.
This session presents:
• the challenges of undertaking such an exercise, both logistical and cost;
• the processes involved in attempting contact, and follow up of non-contacts;
• the response to the exercise;
• the reaction of respondents;
• the initial response to Wave 8 of those contacted, those who refused, and those who were non-contacts; and
• the impact on response to the next wave interview.