Stories from LSAC - The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
Growing up in a longitudinal study – Engaging young people as they become adults. | |
Jodie Taylor, Lorraine Attard |
LSAC goes online – Asking young people to complete an online survey prior to the home visit. | |
Michael Bassett, Maureen Canning, Jennifer Renda, Bernadette Kok, Elsie Foeken |
Data linkage in LSAC – Great benefits but also some challenging issues. | |
Tenniel Guiver, Dinusha Bandara |
Refusal follow up in Wave 7 of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. | |
Michael Rodriguez, Lorraine Attard |
Events History Calendars: Benefits and Challenges | |
Elsie Foeken, Jennifer Renda, Karena Jessup, Bernadette Kok, Michael Bassett, Maureen Canning |
Trends in Australian Social Attitudes
The politics of attitudes to immigration and refugees: a new look at recent trends in Australian public opinion data | |
Shaun Wilson |
Climate scepticism in Australia | |
Bruce Tranter |
Marriage and Happiness: changing Australian attitudes to marriage | |
Ann Evans, Edith Gray |
2018 World Values Survey: methods and results
Experiments in the World Values Survey | |
Benjamin Phillips |
World Values Survey 2018: findings from Australia | |
Toni Makkai, Jill Sheppard |
Australian Values Study Methodology | |
Anna Lethborg |
Medical statistics and analysis techniques
A Shiny new app for policy: Using simulation to test which factors most improve child wellbeing | |
Barry Milne |
Association between socioeconomic and geographical factors in severely injured trauma patients using trauma registry data. | Full Paper - DOCX |
Katharine Elizabeth Heathcote, Ben Gardiner, Holly Barbagallo, Jing Sun, Martin Wullschleger |
Under-five mortality and the continuum of care for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health: A Machine Learning analysis. | |
Adeyinka Emmanuel Adegbosin, Jing Sun |
Questionnaire and item reliability, validity and ordering
Is the SDQ a reliable and valid measure of behavioural difficulties in 2 year olds? | |
Stephanie D'Souza |
Explaining Differential Item Functioning focusing on the crucial role of external information – an example from the measurement of adolescent mental health | |
Curt Hagquist, David Andrich |
Item Positions Effects on Item Difficulty and Item Discrimination: A Case Study with Parallel Test Forms | |
Xiaoxun Sun |
Impacts on fit and reliability of the ordering of response categories in polytomous items | |
Curt Hagquist, David Andrich |
Methods for policy and planning
Measuring the Relationship of Public Opinion to Mass Media and Policy Agendas for Major Public Issues and Events | Full Paper - DOCX |
Thomas B Christie |
Justice is open to everyone in the same way as the Ritz Hotel: what does court data tell us about the parties to civil cases? | |
Catriona Mirrlees-Black |
Impact of the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) on International Postgraduate Students of the University of Newcastle | Full Paper - DOCX |
Md Adnan Al Moshi, Lena Rodriguez |
Emerged discourses on the articulation of the relationship between education and development in global policies | |
Asma Jahan Mukta, Tom Griffiths, Heather Sharp |
Innovations in Data Analysis
School-to-work transitions of youth in Australia: a sequence analysis approach using the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) | |
Rasika Ranasinghe |
A General Meta-Analytic Model for Independent and Dependent Effect Sizes | |
Mike W.-L. Cheung |
The implications of ethnicity outputting methods for understanding outcomes and developing policy in New Zealand | |
Nichola Louise Shackleton, Natalia Boven, Daniel Exeter |
Data visualisation and simulation
Microsimulation: An evolution at COMPASS Research Centre | |
Martin von Randow |
Using data to map catchments and identify gaps | |
Sarah Randell |
Big Data: Analyses, approaches, and ethics
Big Data, Transparency, and Explainability | |
Tim Dare |
Decomposing ethnic differences in body mass index and obesity rates among New Zealand pre-schoolers | |
Nichola Louise Shackleton |
Creating a longitudinal child cohort to assess the impact of income poverty on child health. | |
Nichola Louise Shackleton |
Adventures in data linkage and the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) | |
Ronnie Semo |
Using big data to investigate public service use inequality in the New Zealand population | |
Stephanie D'Souza |
Research Methodology in Sociology of Health and Medicine
How Universal are Universal Pre-School Health Checks? Evidence from New Zealand’s B4 School Check | |
Nichola Louise Shackleton, Sheree Gibb, Barry Milne, Rick Audas |
Healthy eating education for midwives to investigate and explore their knowledge and confidence to support pregnant women to eat healthily: A mixed methods study | |
Shwikar Mahmoud Etman Othman, Mary Steen, Julie Fleet, Rasika Jayasekara |
Blending individual and social emotions via analytical plurality | Full Paper - DOCX |
Michael Hodgins, Ann Dadich, Jayne Bye |
The state of play in online research in Australia. Problems, pitfalls and opportunities
The new phenomena of diminishing survey response: So, is the latest Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) cohort representative of today’s young people? | |
Somayeh Parvazian |
Do blended sampling designs provide robust estimates: where is the evidence | |
Margo L Barr, David Steel |
The Effects of Mode and Sampling Design on Answers in Mixed-Mode Online Panel Research | |
Sebastian Kocar |
Using Probability Surveys to Improve Inferences from Nonprobability Panels: How to get the best from both worlds? | |
Darren Pennay, Dina Neiger, Stephen Prendergast |
Bias Reduction for an Online Tracking Survey | |
Dina Neiger, Andrew C Ward, Tina Petroulias |
Video reflexive ethnography: Creative scholarship for impact - Part 1
Video reflexive ethnography in hospital with people with dementia and delirium – Can it be done? | Full Paper - DOCX |
Tamsin Symonds, Ann Dadich, Aileen Collier, Annmarie Hosie, Anita De Bellis, Alan Bevan, Justin Prendergast, Elly Morgan |
How to reveal and encourage brilliant feeding care | Full Paper - DOCX |
Khadeejah Elizabeth Moraby, Ann Dadich, Christopher Elliot, Marika Diamantes, Kate Hodge |
A family-video to die for: Bringing the family back to family-centred palliative care with VRE | Full Paper - DOCX |
Kathrine Hammill, Ann Dadich, Rajesh Aggarwal, Jodie Peronchik, Daniela Vasquez, Charbel Bejjani |
Video reflexive ethnography: Creative scholarship for impact - Part 2
Exploring patients' experiences of being involved in video-reflexive ethnographic research | |
Mary Wyer |
Translating video-reflexive research methods into practitioner-led projects: challenges and opportunities. | |
Suyin Hor, Mary Wyer, Lyn Gilbert |
A mixed methods study of the risk-taking behaviour of clinical staff towards routine use of protective masks for infectious diseases | |
Ruth Barratt, Lyn Gilbert, Ramon Z Shaban |
Online panel development and retention
Experimentation in voter behaviour research methodology | |
Raphaella Kathryn Crosby |
A Probabilistic Online Panel for New Zealand | |
Lara Greaves |
Transitioning from CATI to Online | |
Benjamin Phillips, Andrew C Ward |
Social theoretical frameworks
Critical realism and social systems theory for case study research | Full Paper - DOCX |
Josh Hallwright |
Revealing Hidden Contradictions in Women Entrepreneurship Through the Application of Multiple Theoretical Frameworks | |
James Stephen Purkis, Mosfeka Jomaraty |
Researching children’s outdoor play in post human times: Interrogating methodology and methods as a project emerges | |
Barbara Anne Chancellor |
Potential use of Delphi to conduct mixed-methods research: A study of a research project on leadership. | Full Paper - DOCX |
Shankar Sankaran, Barb Vindin Illingworth, Bob Dick, Kelly Shaw |
Innovative qualitative and mixed method approaches
Factors that contribute to transitional experiences of internationally qualified midwives into the Australian midwifery system: A mixed method study | |
Mitra Javanmard |
Understanding Student Aggression and Victimization in the Filipino Context using Mixed Method Research | |
January Merilles Dechavez |
Using Cross-Case Analysis and Activity Theory to Investigate the Home-School Technology Debate in a Rural Australian Setting | |
James Stephen Purkis |
A Multi-Level Activity Theory Approach to the Implementation of BYOD in a Rural Secondary School | |
James Stephen Purkis |
ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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