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Tompson, Trevor, Associated Press
Tompson, Trevor N, The Associated Press
Tones, Megan, QUT
Tones, Megan Jane, Queensland University of Technology
Trahms, Annette, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Tranter, Bruce, University of Tasmania
Trappmann, Mark, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Travers, Max, University of Tasmania
Tries, Simone, Federal Statistical Office (Germany)
Truman, Carole, University of Bolton
Tworzecki, Hubert, Emory University
Tyler, William Bernard, Charles Darwin University


Uddin, Shahadat, The University of Sydney
Uhrig, SC Noah, Institute for Social & Economic Research
Umberger, Wendy, University of Adelaide
Underhill, Elsa, Deakin University
Unger, Stefanie, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Utter, Jennifer, University of Auckland


Vaart, Wander van der, University for Humanistics
Vaitkevicius, Sigitas, Kaunas University of Technology


van der Vaart, Wander, University for Humanistics, Utrecht / VU university medical center, Amsterdam


Van Dessel, Maria M., QUT
Van Dyke, Nina, Market Solutions
Vannette, David Lee, Stanford University
Vartanian, Lenny R, University of New South Wales

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ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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