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Macdiarmid, Jennie, Rowett Institute
MacDougall, Colin, Flinders University
MacInnes, John, Univ of Edinburgh, UK
Maddox, Alexia, Curtin University
Maddox, Alexia, Deakin University
Magee, Christopher, University of Wollongong
Magnusson, Magnus -, Stockholm University
Magun, Vladimir, Institute of sociology in Russian Academy of Sciences
Maher, Lisa, National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research, UNSW
Maher, Patricia, University of Michigan, Survey Research Center
Maier, Tobias, BIBB
Maindonald, John Hilary, Australian National University
Makkai, Toni, Australian National University
Mancini, Fiorella, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Maniam, Vegneskumar, The University of Adelaide
Manias, Elizabeth, University of Melbourne
Mann, Rosemary, McCaughey Centre, University of Melbourne
Mannion, Oliver, The University of Auckland
Mannion, Oliver, University of Auckland
Marshall, David, Department of Social Services
Martins, Maria Lucia Refinetti, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo USP
Masson, Lindsey, University of Aberdeen
Matchett, Carol Anne, University of New England
Matous, Petr, University of Sydney
Matthes, Britta, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

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ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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