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Stadtfeld, Christoph
Stanton, Phillip John, University of Western Sydney
Stark, Guido, Statistics NZ
Steel, David, University of Wollongong
Steen, Mary, Professor in Midwifery School of Nursing and Midwifery
Steenhuis, Ingrid, Department of Health Sciences and EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Steinbeck, Kate, University of Sydney
Sterland, Sam, NCLS Research
Sterland, Sam
Stewart-Knox, Barbara, University of Ulster
Stimson, Robert John, University of Queensland
Stjelja, Mirela, Defence Science and Technology Group
Suen, Yiu-Tung, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
Suhre, Cor, University of Groningen
Sulakshin, Stepan Stepanovich, Governance and Problem Analysis Center (Moscow)
Sun, Jing, School of Medicine, Griffith University
Sun, Jing, Griffith University
Sun, Xiaoxun, Australian Council for Educational Research
Sun, Yan, ISSS Peking University
Symes, Maxine, Curtin University
Symonds, Tamsin, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network

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ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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