Presentations and Authors

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Quantitative Text Analysis

Towards Interactive Algorithmic Support for Inductive Content Analysis
Aneesha Bakharia

How Can We Achieve Cross-cultural Equivalence in Basic Assumptions?

Postmaterialism and Environmental concern in international comparison
Henning Best, Jochen Mayerl
Lack of universalism and similarity in the analysis of "end-of-life issues"? National deviations in equivalence and consequences for cross-national research
Tilo Beckers

Evaluating Attitude Measures Across Countries and Survey Programs

A threefold comparison of comparisons to cross-validate moral attitude items: two measurements in three survey series across four time points
Tilo Beckers

The Role of Structured Metadata in Cross-national Surveys

Re-using the Structured Metadata of the European Values Study (EVS)
Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen, Evelyn Brislinger
Using DDI Lifecycle and XLIFF for cross-national surveys
Ingo Barkow

Aggregate Data for Multivariate Modeling

Comparing IRT, CFA, and LCA for Assessing the Social Composition of School Classes Full paper PDF
Dominik Becker, Kerstin Drossel, Jasmin Schwanenberg, Nadja Pfuhl, Heike Wendt

Cluster Analysis

An application of statistical learning to characterisation of 44 international healthcare accreditation organisations
Max Moldovan, Charles Shaw, Wendy Nicklin, Ileana Grgic, Triona Fortune, Stuart Whittaker, Nicholas Nechval, Marjorie Pawsey, David Greenfield, Reece Hinchcliff, Virginia Mumford, Johanna Westbrook, Jeffrey Braithwaite
Domestic food-safety and the older consumer: A segmentation analysis - Using Cluster Analysis to quantitatively derive typologies of the older consumer using lifestyle and food-safety knowledge and behavioural data
Helen Elizabeth Kendall, Sharron Kuznesof, Mary Brennan

Sequence Analysis for Social Science Data

Women work histories over two generations: a dyadic sequence analysis approach to uncover patterns of mothers and daughters careers
Nicolas Robette, Eva Lelièvre, Xavier Bry
Harpoon or maggot? A comparison of various metrics to fish for life course patterns
Nicolas Robette, Xavier Bry
Sequence analysis of job entry histories
Ralf Dorau, Jörg Blasius

Data Integration and Analysis

Combining Data Collected at Distant Points in Time to Identify Factors Explaining Family Change
Peter Brandon

Data Linking Methodology

A constructive approach to data linkage
Jamas Enright, Dariusz Bielawski
An agent based approach to building a synthetic population for transport planning for Sydney
Nam Huynh, Francois Lamy, Matthew Berryman, Pascal Perez, Mohammad Reza Namazi Rad

Benchmarks, Standards and Guidelines: Current Best Practice

ISO 20252: the development, current status and potential of a formal process standard Slideshow
Bill Blyth

Evaluating Methods for Testing Survey Questions

Combining multiple evaluation methods – Findings from a meta analysis
Michelle Joanna Gray, Debbie Collins, Meera Balarajan, Joanna D'Ardenne

Measuring Survey Quality in Cross-National Surveys

Cognitive Skills and Response Quality among the Elderly
Miriam Schütte, Jörg Blasius

Conversational and Cognitive Issues in Flexible Interviewing Procedures

Calendar Interviewing in Life Course Research: Associations between Verbal Behaviors and Data Quality
Robert F. Belli, Ipek Bilgen, Tarek Al Baghal

Issues Arising in the Collection and Analysis of Incomplete Longitudinal Data

Handling Dropout in the Modelling of Changing Gender Roles
Roger Norman Penn, Damon Stanley Berridge
Methods for handling attrition: an overview
Damon Stanley Berridge, Roger Norman Penn
The Cologne High School Panel (CHiSP): Selectivity and Panel Attrition after 40 Years
Klaus Birkelbach, Heiner Meulemann

Comparative Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Mixing Surveys and Focused Ethnography within a Social Experiment: the Case of Construction of Space
Cornelia Thierbach, Nina Baur
Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis in a field study
Claude Julie Bourque
An Experimental Determination of Perceived Liveability in Sydney Full paper PDF
Mohammad-Reza Namazi-Rad, Francois Lamy, Pascal Perez, Matthew Berryman

Handling Complex Societal Systems: a Methodological Challenge

Modelling and Acting - the problem of social agency.
David Sidney Byrne
Certainly uncertain : the limits of social knowledge in artificial societies
Neeraj G Baruah

Social Simulation and Modelling for Public Policy

Matching modelling techniques to policy problems
Jennifer Badham, Gabriele Bammer
Towards data-driven and participatory research design for rigorous social simulations : ensuring realism and relevance for public policy
Neeraj G Baruah

Social Simulation Methods

Modeling and Simulating Recreational Poly-drug Use: an Ontologic Agent-based Approach.
Francois Lamy, Pascal Perez, Terry Bossomaier

New Ethnographies of Crime and Justice

New Perspectives on the Study of Restorative Justice
Jasmine Bruce, Meredith Rossner

The Practicalities of a Qualitative Research Project

The 'Magic Pen': Using digitised pen and paper to collect, analyse and link audio and written data
Lisa Gibbs, Colin MacDougall, Karen Block
Extending the Scope of Qualitative Data by Matching Different Datasets
Tobias Schmies, Jörg Blasius

Methodological Challenges in Web-based Data Collection

Horses for Courses? A Comparative Study of Web Crawlers for the Social Sciences
Robert Ackland, Francisca Borquez
Online Questionnaires: Development of ‘basic requirements’
Simone Tries, Karen Blanke
Data quality of questions sensitive to social-desirability bias in web surveys
Katja Lozar Manfreda, Nino Zajc, Nejc Berzelak, Vasja Vehovar

Research Methodology for New Digital Communication Technologies

Collecting and understanding personal network data using a smartphone application
Jeffrey Boase, Tetsuro Kobayashi
How Often Do You Use the App with a Bird on It? Exploring Differences in Survey Completion Times, Primacy Effects and App Icon Recognition Between Smartphone and Computer Survey Modes
Trent D. Buskirk

Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis

The analysis of positive and negative network ties: Conflict and cooperation in environmental governance
Garry Robins, Lorraine Bates, Philippa Pattison

Social Network Analysis - General

Measuring the shape of degree distributions
Jennifer Badham
Analysis of large scientific networks
Vladimir Batagelj, Monika Cerinšek

Applied Social Network Analysis

Applying Network Theory to Evaluate Clinical Networks in Australia
Frances Clare Cunningham, Geetha Ranmuthugala, Johanna Irene Westbrook, Jeffrey Braithwaite

Developing Rigorous and Ethical Visual Research Methodologies

Engaging children and refugee youth in research by eliciting ‘alternative literacies’
Karen Block, Bjorn Nansen, Lisa Gibbs, Colin MacDougall

Spatial Methods

Spatial Perspectives on Working Mothers' Child Care Decisions
Peter Brandon
Current Problems of Analyzing and Comparing Spaces in Sociology
Nina Baur

Exploring Collaboration and Partnerships in Social Research

The importance of leadership and mutual understanding for effective health services research collaboration
Reece Amr Hinchcliff, David Greenfield, Johanna Westbrook, Marjorie Pawsey, Max Moldovan, Virginia Mumford, Jeffrey Braithwaite
A Research Design for Interdisciplinary Research. The Case of Collaboration between Sociology and Geodesy
Cornelia Thierbach, Alexandra Lorenz, Nina Baur

Institutional Demands, Public Expectations and the Research Process

Current practices in reporting limits and biases in scholarly literature: An exploratory content analysis of four disciplinary political science journals
Pierre-Olivier Bédard, Mathieu Ouimet

Studying Food Choices

Developing Food Policy through 'Kitchen Table Talks': Prospects for Australia
Rachel Ankeny, Heather Bray
Asking children about their food purchasing behaviour: Lessons for survey design
Wendy Wills, Jennie Macdiarmid, Lindsey Masson, Catherine Bromley, Leone Craig, Geraldine McNeill
Consumers, Citizens and Food Choices - using stakeholder dialogue to inform investment and policy decisions for future food technologies
Virginia Baker, Karen Cronin, Gerald Midgley
UK longitudinal data on food choices: examining the impact of life events
Sally McManus, Julia Hall, Jo d'Ardenne, Caireen Roberts, Matt Barnes

Best Practices in Teaching Qualitative Research

Teaching NVivo to a large cohort of undergraduate students
Lynne Roberts, Lauren Breen, Maxine Symes
Teaching computer assisted qualitative analysis with NVivo
Claude Julie Bourque, Sylvain Bourdon

Coverage and Nonresponse Issues in Dual Frame RDD Telephone Surveys

To Screen or Not to Screen: Cell Phone Only vs Take All Design for RDD Landline/Cell Surveys
Martin Barron, Jenny Kelly, Michele Koppelman, Robert Montgomery
Propensity Model for Weighting Dual Frame Telephone Samples
Robert Benford, Trevor Tompson, Julian Baim, John Lien, Lancey Heyman

Studying Organizations

Comprehending organisational change through process research methodology - Case of the Evolutionary Change Theory.
Hafsa Ahmed, Michaela Balzarova, David Cohen
Reassessing the effect of survey characteristics on Common Method Variance in Emotional and Social Intelligence Competencies Assessment
Joan Manuel Batista-Foguet

Improving Survey Quality: General

Assessing the Quality of Survey Data and the Dirty Data Index
Jörg Blasius, Victor Thiessen

New technology and social research

Accelerating insight into food safety practices
Helen Elizabeth Kendall, Cassim Ladha, Jurgen Wagner, Bin Gao, Karim Ladha, Dan Jackson, Patrick Olivier, Sharron Kuznesof, Mary Brennan

RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology

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