Conference Locations
Holme Building
Holme Building, Science Rd - The University of Sydney
View Larger Map- Holme Room - Breakout 1
- Sutherland Room - Breakout 2
- MacCallum Room - Breakout 3
- Cullen Room - Breakout 4
- Common Room (Boardroom 418) - Breakout 5
- Refectory - Registration and catering
- Chancellor's Room - Breakout 6
- Withdrawing Room - Exhibition/Breakout 7
Footbridge Theatre
- Plenary sessions
Access between the Footbridge Theatre and the Refectory is via the Bevery
The Main Quadrangle
Weather permitting (otherwise The Refectory)
Conference Schedule
Wednesday December 1, 2010 |
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Registration and Welcome - The Refectory
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM |
Morning Tea - The Refectory
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Plenary Session 1 - Footbridge Theatre
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM The nature of spatial data and issues for socio-economic analysis and visualization Robert J. StimsonSchool of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management The University of Queensland Abstract The distributions of socio-economic phenomena are mostly uneven and typically are positively skewed. When those data are also spatial in nature there is an added complication for the analysis and visualization of such data. That arises through both the ‘spatial aggregation/disaggregation’ problem and the ‘modifiable areal unit problem’ (MAUP). These issues have implications for data analysis and modelling when using spatial data. In addition, in visualizing the distribution of a spatial data variable, the pattern it produces and its interpretation will be influenced by the method of classification used for map the data. The significance of these issues will be discussed and illustrated using data variable commonly used in socio-economic analysis using information derived from the census. Geographers and regional scientists have developed explicit methods and tools to help address those issues, and these will be discussed. |
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM |
Lunch - The Refectory
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM |
01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session: Doing Sensitive Research |
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Katherine Carroll, University of Sydney |
Room: Holme Room
'Sometimes I think I would be better at this if I was a robot': Qualitative research as emotion work.
Virginia A Dickson-Swift |
Doing research with Aboriginal women: The impact of whitness
Margot Rawsthorne |
Tears across cultures: Experiences from the 2003 Canberra Bushfire and the 2004 tsunami in Aceh
Theresia Citraningtyas, Katherine Lepani, Beverley Raphael |
Conducting Sensitive Research with Adolescents
Spring Chenoa Cooper Robbins, Kate Steinbeck, S. Rachel Skinner, Margot Rawsthorne, Karen Paxton, Catherine Hawke |
Session: Research Ethics in Qualitative Studies |
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Betsy Blunsdon, Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Inc. |
Room: Sutherland Room
Remoralizing suicide research: Ethical and methodological considerations
Scott James Fitzpatrick |
Proposing 'Best Practice' Research: Methodology-Methods-Ethics Links that Facilitate Meaningful Research and Participant Well-being
Petra Buergelt |
Existential and hermeneutic dimensions of phenomenological inquiry in psychology: from an insider's perspective
Anita Milicevic |
Session: Improving Survey Coverage |
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Roberto Forero, University of New South Wales |
Room: MacCallum Room
Profiling the 'mobile phone only' population. Results from Australia's first ever Dual-frame telephone survey
Darren Walter Pennay |
Random Digit Dialing - Changes and Challenges
Darren Walter Pennay, Graham Michael Challice |
Minimising attrition during a 12 month longitudinal study of a vulnerable population
Karen Larsen-Truong |
Session: Data Analysis - applications |
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Guy Cucumel, School of Management, Université du Québec à Montréal |
Room: Cullen Room
Life Satisfaction across the Retirement Transition: a Latent Growth Curve Modelling Approach
Lachlan Heybroek |
Income pooling in couples: differences between and within countries over time
Ann Evans, Anna Reimondos, Edith Gray |
Session: Growing Up in Australia, the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) |
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Carol Soloff, Australian Institute of Family Studies |
Room: Common Room (Boardroom 418)
Patterns and correlates of unit non-response for Waves 2 and 3 of Growing up in Australia: the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC)
Gamini Wijesekere |
Lost respondent tracking and sample retention in LSAC
Matt Ashton, Kym Byars |
LSAC - Evolution of data collection modes
Joanne Corey, Kathryn McGrouther |
03:00 PM - 03:30 PM |
Afternoon Tea - The Refectory
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 03:00 PM - 03:30 PM |
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM |
Plenary Session 2 - Footbridge Theatre
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM Social Media Network Analysis Griffith University Abstract As the Internet becomes increasingly central to our social, economic and political lives, vast quantities of data are generated daily in social media environments such as blogsites, microblogs (Twitter), social networking sites (e.g. Facebook) and virtual worlds (e.g. Second Life). This presentation provides an overview of social science research using data from social media environments. It includes an introduction to social media network analysis and discussion of the opportunities and challenges for social science research in the era of Twitter and Facebook.
05:30 PM - 07:30 PM |
Cocktail reception - The Main Quadrangle (Weather Permitting)
Wednesday December 1, 2010: 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM Cost of the cocktail reception is included in conference fees, except for those who registered at the full time postgraduate rate. Tickets for full time postgraduates or for guests are available for $50. Email: for details. The alternative location in case of inclement weather is the Withdrawing Room |
Thursday December 2, 2010 |
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Plenary Session 3 - Footbridge Theatre
Thursday December 2, 2010: 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM Benefits and Limitations of Cross-National Comparative Survey Data David DenemarkUniversity of Western Australia Australia has participated in a series of international survey projects since the late 1970s. The data are publicly available, so it is now possible for researchers to study a range of social and political issues cross-nationally and over time. David will discuss some of the benefits and difficulties in working with such data, and illustrate these with research that explores cross-national attitudes toward anti-terror police powers. |
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM |
Morning Tea - The Refectory
Thursday December 2, 2010: 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Plenary Session 4 - Footbridge Theatre
Thursday December 2, 2010: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Qualitative Data Archiving: Opportunities for Data Sharing among the Qualitative Community Lynda CheshireDirector, Australian Social Science Data Archive (Qualitative) School of Social Science & Institute for Social Science Research The University of Queensland In recent years, the Australian Social Science Archive (ASSDA) has extended its facilities to incorporate qualitative data, giving researchers an opportunity to share their data with one another under strict access conditions. In this presentation, I outline the progress of the archive to date and the opportunities it affords, while reflecting on the challenges encountered, including the reticence of the qualitative research community to embrace the archive on epistemological, ethical and practical grounds. |
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM |
Lunch - The Refectory
Thursday December 2, 2010: 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM |
01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session: Feminist Research |
Thursday December 2, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Ann Evans, Australian National University, Canberra |
Room: Sutherland Room
Using Qualitative Methods in Feminist Research
Nurunnaher Nurunnaher |
The Emotional Labour of Sensitive and Feminist Research Methodologies
Katherine Carroll |
Towards a feminist methodology of listening
Frances Shaw |
Media reporting of the women's movement
Kirsty McLaren |
Session: Data Analysis - methods |
Thursday December 2, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Guy Cucumel, School of Management, Université du Québec à Montréal |
Room: MacCallum Room
Getting a Job in Australia: Evidence from AuSSA2007 and Methodological Reflections
Xianbi Huang, Mark Western |
A practical guide to using Cliff's Delta as a measure of effect size where parametric equivalents are inappropriate.
Kane Meissel |
Analysing experimental data with repeated measures: distinguishing order effects from intervention impacts in a jury simulation
David Tait |
Session: Pragmatism in Qualitative Research |
Thursday December 2, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Ann Dadich, School of Business, Western Sydney University |
Room: Cullen Room
Ethnographic Approaches to Researching Injecting Drug Use
Catrin Smith |
Researching family work-life-education balance: orchestrating priorities and compromises
Catherine Ann Doherty |
Using hermeneutic phenomenology to explore nurses' experience of nursing for the outlier patients in acute care hospitals
Jasmine Cheung, Maureen Boughton, Sandra West |
Questions of pragmatism in Community-based Participatory Research with an Indigenous community
Julie Mooney-Somers, Anna Olsen, Robert Scott, Angie Akee, Lisa Maher |
03:00 PM - 03:30 PM |
Afternoon Tea - The Refectory
Thursday December 2, 2010: 03:00 PM - 03:30 PM |
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM |
Session: Interviewing Individuals and Groups |
Thursday December 2, 2010: 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Spring Cooper Robbins, University of Sydney |
Room: Holme Room
Using graphic-elicitation to enhance interviews with farmers sceptical of climate-change
Geoff Kuehne |
'Be our guest': Exploring the challenges and benefits of facilitating conversations with people within a family group (or who share a close social connection) as form of data collection for qualitative research about infant feeding and early parenting.
Judith Ellen Reid, Virginia Schmied, Jennifer Fenwick, Athena Sheehan |
Research insights about the use of observation as a method for investigating skilled-migrants to Australia with their friends
Harriet Westcott |
Session: The Relationship Between Theory and Method in Qualitative Research |
Thursday December 2, 2010: 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Stacy Carter, The University of Sydney |
Room: Sutherland Room
Theorising the process of preventive dental care while combining two theories in practice
Alexandra Sbaraini, Stacy M Carter, Robin Wendell Evans, Anthony Blinkhorn |
The relationship between theory and practice in qualitative inquiry
Stacy M Carter, Claire Hooker |
Research Methodologies for Engineering Asset Management
Khaled Omran El-Akruti, Richard Dwight |
Workplace Communication: Balancing the Topic, the Theory and the Methodology
Lyn Daff |
Session: On Line Research |
Thursday December 2, 2010: 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Pat Davidson, Curtin University |
Room: MacCallum Room
Observing the joint dynamics of different event streams in social media environments
Christoph Stadtfeld |
Comparing the quality of data from postal and online questionnaires
Allan Benaud Smith, Madeleine King, Phyllis Butow, Ian Olver |
A Web Analysis of HIV Information Delivery in China
Jiaying Zhao, Robert Ackland |
Using Digital Trace Data to Research Social Networks and Ageing
Robert Ackland |
Session: Design Issues for Quantitative Data |
Thursday December 2, 2010: 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Robert Ackland, Australian National University |
Room: Cullen Room
Lone and couple mothers in the Australian labour market: Using HILDA calendar data to examine monthly employment transitions
Jennifer Renda, Jennifer Baxter |
The Strengths and Challenges of Operationalising a National Pain Management Project using a Step-Wedge design.
Scott Bennetts, Susan Huckson, Kerri Holzhauser, Mitra Jazayeri |
Recall error and partner consistency in reporting of cohabitation and marriage dates
Anna Reimondos, Ann Evans, Edith Gray |
Session: Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) |
Thursday December 2, 2010: 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Patrick Lim, National Centre for Vocational Education Research |
Room: Common Room (Boardroom 418)
Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA)
Sinan Gemici |
Overview of the LSAY program
Patrick Lim |
Using the LSAY data
Jung-Sook Lee |
Friday December 3, 2010 |
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Session: Data Archiving and Research Infrastructure |
Friday December 3, 2010: 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Session Convenors: Steven McEachern, Australian Data Archive |
Room: Sutherland Room
Grid computing for social science researchers: Where are we and where can we go?
Lyndon Walker |
The New Zealand Data Service: A Multi-Purpose Platform for Professional Social Science.
Gerard Anthony Cotterell, Martin Von Randow |
Respect, Trust and Engagement: the Broader Implications of Creating an Australian Indigenous Data Archive
Gabrielle Gardiner, Alex Byrne, Kirsten Thorpe, Elizabeth Mulhollann |
Session: Data Analysis and Qualitative Studies |
Friday December 3, 2010: 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Session Convenors: Nicola McNeil, La Trobe University, Melbourne |
Room: MacCallum Room
Insider-Outsider Identities in Fieldwork: Challenges of Collecting Data in Difficult Security Situations
Asha Lal Tamang |
Cross-cultural research in Aceh and Canberra: Comparing apples and pears?
Theresia Citraningtyas, Katherine Lepani, Beverley Raphael |
Knowledge transfer when citizens engage in deliberative processes on health policy development: A socially-situated critique
Catherine Anne Settle |
Session: Studying Food Choices |
Friday December 3, 2010: 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Session Convenors: Trevor Webb, Food Standards Australia New Zealand |
Room: Cullen Room
Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Determine the Relative Value of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Meat Attributes: A Case Study of Australian Beef Consumers
Wendy Umberger, Simone Mueller |
Studying Food Choices: How should we do this?
Michelle Gosse |
Construct validation of the Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire (CFPQ) in an Australian sample.
Michael John Kiernan |
Serving-size information on nutrition labels
Lenny R Vartanian |
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM |
Morning Tea - The Refectory
Friday December 3, 2010: 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Session: Mixed Methods Research |
Friday December 3, 2010: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Session Convenors: Elizabeth Halcomb, Family & Community Health Research Group, University of Western Sydney |
Room: Holme Room
Managing organisations in health: A mixed methods study of relationships between nursing practice environment, job satisfaction and quality of nursing care
Nazlee Siddiqui, Anneke Fitzgerald |
Why do Australian university learners of Japanese discontinue?
Barbara Northwood |
Mixed methods designs: using qualitative and quantitative approaches in development studies curriculum research
Elizabeth Humphries |
Session: PhD 1 |
Friday December 3, 2010: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Session Convenors: Len Coote, University of Queensland, Brisbane |
Room: Sutherland Room
The quantitative-qualitative debate: subjectivity in the so called 'objective research' in nursing
Mohammad A. Al-Motlaq, Ysanne Chapman |
Pitfalls of data collection: a practical guide to overcoming methodological issues associated with data collection for a PhD Project based primarily on a survey design
Sallie Gardner |
A study on the patterns of change in the Vietnamese language spoken by the second generation of the Vietnamese immigrants in Queensland, Australia
Bao Tinh Hoang |
The experiences of a participant observer in online renal discussion groups: robust vulnerability and warm exclusion.
Natalya Godbold |
Session: Policy Research |
Friday December 3, 2010: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Session Convenors: Ken Reed, Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated |
Room: MacCallum Room
A Modelling Tool to Improve the Policy Response on Issues Concerning Children and Young People
Roy Lay-Yee, Janet Pearson, Oliver Mannion, Wendy Wrapson |
Data linkage in a social context: Making data work for complex populations
Eileen Baldry, Melissa Clarence, Leanne Dowse, Daren Fisher |
Finding a way: Footprints in Time, the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children
Tess Margaret McPeake |
Session: PhD 2 |
Friday December 3, 2010: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Session Convenors: Malcolm Alexander, Griffith University |
Room: Cullen Room
Research Design in Upper Echelons Theory: A Philosophical Analysis
Zahra Sadeghinejad, Arash Najmaei |
Issues and Solutions for Applying Grounded Theory Method: A Preliminary Analysis
Corina Raduescu, Iris Vessey |
Researching Organizational (Dynamic) Capabilities: An Introduction to Epistemology and Ontology
Arash Najmaei |
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM |
Lunch - The Refectory
Friday December 3, 2010: 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM |
01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session: Measurement and instrument development |
Friday December 3, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Lyndon Walker, Swinburne University of Technology |
Room: Sutherland Room
Measuring Literal-Symbolic Content in Advertising
Maria M. Van Dessel |
Resolving Differential Item Functioning by split of items
Curt Hagquist |
The use of Life Event Calendar methodology in intimate partner homicide research
Li Eriksson, Paul Mazerolle, Richard Wortley, Holly Johnson |
Loose Poles: Evidence on the Importance of Specific Labels on Response Scales
Paula Wright |
Session: National Church Survey |
Friday December 3, 2010: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM |
Session Convenors: Ruth Powell, NCLS Research/ACU |
Room: Cullen Room
An Integrated Database Design: 300 000+ responses, 7000 churches, four survey waves
Sam Sterland |
A method to run 20+ surveys at the same time: using a modular approach
Michael Pippett, Ruth Powell, Sam Sterland, Chris Simpson |
Data Manipulation of Large Multi-level Datasets
Martin Dowson |
03:00 PM - 03:30 PM |
Afternoon Tea - The Refectory
Friday December 3, 2010: 03:00 PM - 03:30 PM |
03:30 PM - 03:30 PM |
Conference close
Friday December 3, 2010: 03:30 PM - 03:30 PM |
ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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