Plenary Sessions
The nature of spatial data and issues for socio-economic analysis and visualization | Stimson Slides 1 Stimson Slides 2 |
Robert John Stimson |
Social Media Network Analysis | Ackland Slides PDF Alexander Slides PDF |
Robert Ackland, Malcolm Alexander |
Qualitative Data Archiving: Opportunities for Data Sharing among the Qualitative Community | Cheshire Slides PDF |
Lynda Anne Cheshire |
National Church Survey
Innovative approaches to data dissemination and visualisation for non-statistical audiences | |
Chris Simpson |
Growing Up in Australia, the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC)
LSAC - Evolution of data collection modes | |
Joanne Corey, Kathryn McGrouther |
Data Archiving and Research Infrastructure
Grid computing for social science researchers: Where are we and where can we go? | |
Lyndon Walker |
The New Zealand Data Service: A Multi-Purpose Platform for Professional Social Science. | |
Gerard Anthony Cotterell, Martin Von Randow |
Respect, Trust and Engagement: the Broader Implications of Creating an Australian Indigenous Data Archive | |
Gabrielle Gardiner, Alex Byrne, Kirsten Thorpe, Elizabeth Mulhollann |
Doing Sensitive Research
'Sometimes I think I would be better at this if I was a robot': Qualitative research as emotion work. | |
Virginia A Dickson-Swift |
Doing research with Aboriginal women: The impact of whitness | |
Margot Rawsthorne |
Tears across cultures: Experiences from the 2003 Canberra Bushfire and the 2004 tsunami in Aceh | |
Theresia Citraningtyas, Katherine Lepani, Beverley Raphael |
Conducting Sensitive Research with Adolescents | |
Spring Chenoa Cooper Robbins, Kate Steinbeck, S. Rachel Skinner, Margot Rawsthorne, Karen Paxton, Catherine Hawke |
Interviewing Individuals and Groups
Using graphic-elicitation to enhance interviews with farmers sceptical of climate-change | |
Geoff Kuehne |
'Be our guest': Exploring the challenges and benefits of facilitating conversations with people within a family group (or who share a close social connection) as form of data collection for qualitative research about infant feeding and early parenting. | |
Judith Ellen Reid, Virginia Schmied, Jennifer Fenwick, Athena Sheehan |
Research insights about the use of observation as a method for investigating skilled-migrants to Australia with their friends | |
Harriet Westcott |
Data Analysis and Qualitative Studies
Insider-Outsider Identities in Fieldwork: Challenges of Collecting Data in Difficult Security Situations | |
Asha Lal Tamang |
Cross-cultural research in Aceh and Canberra: Comparing apples and pears? | |
Theresia Citraningtyas, Katherine Lepani, Beverley Raphael |
Knowledge transfer when citizens engage in deliberative processes on health policy development: A socially-situated critique | |
Catherine Anne Settle |
Mixed Methods Research
Managing organisations in health: A mixed methods study of relationships between nursing practice environment, job satisfaction and quality of nursing care | |
Nazlee Siddiqui, Anneke Fitzgerald |
Why do Australian university learners of Japanese discontinue? | |
Barbara Northwood |
Mixed methods designs: using qualitative and quantitative approaches in development studies curriculum research | |
Elizabeth Humphries |
Pragmatism in Qualitative Research
Ethnographic Approaches to Researching Injecting Drug Use | |
Catrin Smith |
Researching family work-life-education balance: orchestrating priorities and compromises | |
Catherine Ann Doherty |
Using hermeneutic phenomenology to explore nurses' experience of nursing for the outlier patients in acute care hospitals | |
Jasmine Cheung, Maureen Boughton, Sandra West |
Questions of pragmatism in Community-based Participatory Research with an Indigenous community | |
Julie Mooney-Somers, Anna Olsen, Robert Scott, Angie Akee, Lisa Maher |
Studying Food Choices
Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Determine the Relative Value of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Meat Attributes: A Case Study of Australian Beef Consumers | |
Wendy Umberger, Simone Mueller |
Studying Food Choices: How should we do this? | |
Michelle Gosse |
Construct validation of the Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire (CFPQ) in an Australian sample. | |
Michael John Kiernan |
Serving-size information on nutrition labels | |
Lenny R Vartanian |
The Relationship Between Theory and Method in Qualitative Research
Theorising the process of preventive dental care while combining two theories in practice | |
Alexandra Sbaraini, Stacy M Carter, Robin Wendell Evans, Anthony Blinkhorn |
The relationship between theory and practice in qualitative inquiry | |
Stacy M Carter, Claire Hooker |
Research Methodologies for Engineering Asset Management | |
Khaled Omran El-Akruti, Richard Dwight |
Workplace Communication: Balancing the Topic, the Theory and the Methodology | |
Lyn Daff |
PhD 1
The quantitative-qualitative debate: subjectivity in the so called 'objective research' in nursing | |
Mohammad A. Al-Motlaq, Ysanne Chapman |
Pitfalls of data collection: a practical guide to overcoming methodological issues associated with data collection for a PhD Project based primarily on a survey design | |
Sallie Gardner |
A study on the patterns of change in the Vietnamese language spoken by the second generation of the Vietnamese immigrants in Queensland, Australia | |
Bao Tinh Hoang |
The experiences of a participant observer in online renal discussion groups: robust vulnerability and warm exclusion. | |
Natalya Godbold |
Feminist Research
Using Qualitative Methods in Feminist Research | |
Nurunnaher Nurunnaher |
The Emotional Labour of Sensitive and Feminist Research Methodologies | |
Katherine Carroll |
Towards a feminist methodology of listening | |
Frances Shaw |
Media reporting of the women's movement | |
Kirsty McLaren |
On Line Research
Comparing the quality of data from postal and online questionnaires | |
Allan Benaud Smith, Madeleine King, Phyllis Butow, Ian Olver |
Observing the joint dynamics of different event streams in social media environments | |
Christoph Stadtfeld |
A Web Analysis of HIV Information Delivery in China | |
Jiaying Zhao, Robert Ackland |
Using Digital Trace Data to Research Social Networks and Ageing | |
Robert Ackland |
PhD 2
Research Design in Upper Echelons Theory: A Philosophical Analysis | |
Zahra Sadeghinejad, Arash Najmaei |
Issues and Solutions for Applying Grounded Theory Method: A Preliminary Analysis | |
Corina Raduescu, Iris Vessey |
Researching Organizational (Dynamic) Capabilities: An Introduction to Epistemology and Ontology | |
Arash Najmaei |
Measurement and instrument development
Measuring Literal-Symbolic Content in Advertising | |
Maria M. Van Dessel |
Resolving Differential Item Functioning by split of items | |
Curt Hagquist |
The use of Life Event Calendar methodology in intimate partner homicide research | |
Li Eriksson, Paul Mazerolle, Richard Wortley, Holly Johnson |
Loose Poles: Evidence on the Importance of Specific Labels on Response Scales | |
Paula Wright |
Improving Survey Coverage
Profiling the 'mobile phone only' population. Results from Australia's first ever Dual-frame telephone survey | |
Darren Walter Pennay |
Random Digit Dialing - Changes and Challenges | |
Darren Walter Pennay, Graham Michael Challice |
Minimising attrition during a 12 month longitudinal study of a vulnerable population | |
Karen Larsen-Truong |
Data Analysis - methods
Getting a Job in Australia: Evidence from AuSSA2007 and Methodological Reflections | |
Xianbi Huang, Mark Western |
A practical guide to using Cliff's Delta as a measure of effect size where parametric equivalents are inappropriate. | |
Kane Meissel |
Analysing experimental data with repeated measures: distinguishing order effects from intervention impacts in a jury simulation | |
David Tait |
Policy Research
A Modelling Tool to Improve the Policy Response on Issues Concerning Children and Young People | |
Roy Lay-Yee, Janet Pearson, Oliver Mannion, Wendy Wrapson |
Data linkage in a social context: Making data work for complex populations | |
Eileen Baldry, Melissa Clarence, Leanne Dowse, Daren Fisher |
Finding a way: Footprints in Time, the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children | |
Tess Margaret McPeake |
Research Ethics in Qualitative Studies
Remoralizing suicide research: Ethical and methodological considerations | |
Scott James Fitzpatrick |
Proposing 'Best Practice' Research: Methodology-Methods-Ethics Links that Facilitate Meaningful Research and Participant Well-being | |
Petra Buergelt |
Existential and hermeneutic dimensions of phenomenological inquiry in psychology: from an insider's perspective | |
Anita Milicevic |
Design Issues for Quantitative Data
Lone and couple mothers in the Australian labour market: Using HILDA calendar data to examine monthly employment transitions | |
Jennifer Renda, Jennifer Baxter |
The Strengths and Challenges of Operationalising a National Pain Management Project using a Step-Wedge design. | |
Scott Bennetts, Susan Huckson, Kerri Holzhauser, Mitra Jazayeri |
Recall error and partner consistency in reporting of cohabitation and marriage dates | |
Anna Reimondos, Ann Evans, Edith Gray |
Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY)
Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) | |
Sinan Gemici |
Overview of the LSAY program | |
Patrick Lim |
Using the LSAY data | |
Jung-Sook Lee |
Data Analysis - applications
Life Satisfaction across the Retirement Transition: a Latent Growth Curve Modelling Approach | |
Lachlan Heybroek |
Income pooling in couples: differences between and within countries over time | |
Ann Evans, Anna Reimondos, Edith Gray |
ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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