The conference is organised around 3 themes:
- Research paradigms and designs;
- Research methods, techniques, technology and tools;
- Datasets and data collections.
Indicative themes/initial ideas for sessions within each theme. These are not exhaustive but rather, indicative. We welcome sessions on any area of social science methodology.
Research Paradigms and designs:
- Multi-method and mixed methods research;
- Models of qualitative research;
- Ethnographic approaches;
- Challenges in survey research;
- Case study research.
Research methods, techniques, technology and tools
- Issues in questionnaire design;
- Cognitive interviews;
- Collecting sensitive information;
- Total survey error and total survey quality;
Datasets and data collections:
- Dataset specific sessions;
- Cross cultural surveys;
- Cross national surveys/research;
- Panel studies;
- Data archiving;
- Data dissemination and use of secondary data.
Review Process
Session convenors are asked to make a judgement about the suitability of the abstract for presentation at the ACSPRI Social Science Methodology conference. In forming this judgement, please bear in mind that conference presentations are commonly less developed and less complete than a journal article and are often 'working papers' or 'works in progress'.
The focus of each presentation must involve a methodological issue. Papers concerned solely with the application of a technique are not suitable, but we welcome papers that illustrate a methodological issue or problem within the context of a substantive research study even where the author's original intent might have been concerned with the substantive issue.
Sessions will be 90 minutes with 3-5 papers per session. Session convenors can invite as many speakers as you like, and the number of sessions depends on the number of papers you have, as long as there is a minimum of 3 papers/session.
Conference organisers will post calls for papers, but convenors are encouraged to publicise their sessions through their own networks and contacts.
The submission and review process should conducted through the conference website. Please do not accept submissions by email, it will make it very difficult later when preparing the program.
Steps for review:
Authors submit abstracts through the conference management system
If authors have selected a session these abstracts will be sent automatically to the session convenor for review (you will receive a copy of the automatic email response to the author).
If authors have not selected a session then the conference organisers will select an appropriate session and will assign the abstract to the session convenor
Session convenors will review abstracts submitted for their session and will record their those accepted on the conference management system and notify authors of acceptance
Session convenors should not reject submissions but rather reassign the abstracts not accepted for their session to the conference organisers for review to see if they are suitable for another session.
The conference organisers will reassign the abstract to another session if appropriate or will reject submission and record on the conference management system and notify authors

ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference

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