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Sacks-Davis, Rachel, Burnet Institute
Saher, Gokay, Australian Bureau of Statistics
Samuels, Carrie, Australian Bureau of Statistics
Sastry, Narayan, University of Michigan, Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Sattler, Sebastian, Bielefeld University, Faculty of Sociology
Saxe, Leonard, Brandeis University
Schiller, David, IAB
Schmies, Tobias, University of Bonn
Schneider, Andreas Helmut, Institute for Employment Research
Schubert, Lisa, School of Population Health, The Universtiy of Queensland
Schulz, Benjamin, University of Mannheim
Schupp, Jürgen, DIW Berlin
Schütte, Miriam, University of Bonn
Schwanenberg, Jasmin, Technical University of Dortmund
Sellke, Piet, University of Stuttgart
Semetko, Holli A., Emory University
Senior, Kate, Menzies School of Health Research
Seo, Seongwon, CSIRO Ecosytem Sciences
Sepahvand, Mohammad, Uppsala University
Seward, Lauren, NORC
Shahbazian, Roujman
Shahtahmasebi, Said, Waikato Institute of Technology
Shand, Fiona, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
Share, Michelle, Trinity College Dublin
Shaw, Charles, European Society for Quality in Healthcare
Shibuya, Kazuhiko, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Simpson, Miles Edward, North Carolina Central University
Sinibaldi, Jennifer, IAB
Smith, Tom W, NORC
Spencer, Samuel Canvanough, Australian Bureau of Statistics
Spicer, David, Colmar Brunton Social Research
Steenhuis, Ingrid, Department of Health Sciences and EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Stewart-Knox, Barbara, University of Ulster
Suen, Yiu-Tung, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
Suhre, Cor, University of Groningen
Sulakshin, Stepan Stepanovich, Governance and Problem Analysis Center (Moscow)
Symes, Maxine, Curtin University

1 - 37 of 37 Items    

RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology

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