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Wackerow, Joachim, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social SciencesWagner, Claire, University of Pretoria
Wagner, Jurgen, Newcastle University, England
Walker, Lyndon, Swinburne University of Technology
Wang, Peng, University of Melbourne
Warr, Deborah, McCaughey Centre, University of Melbourne
Warr, Deborah Joy, University of Melbourne
Warren, Brad, Deakin University
Waterlander, Wilma, University of Auckland
Watson, Nicole, University of Melbourne
Webb, Trevor, Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Welsh, Jenny, Australian National University
Wendt, Heike, Technical University of Dortmund
West, Patrick, Deakin University
Westbrook, Johanna Irene, University of New South Wales
Westbrook, Johanna, University of New South Wales
Westbrook, Johanna
Westcott, Harriet, University of Sydney
Western, Mark Chakrit, University of Queensland
Whittaker, Stuart, The Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa
Wiegand, Erich, Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute (ADM)
Wills, Wendy, University of Hertfordshire
Winters, Kristi, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Witkowski, Kristine, University of Michigan
Woelders, Susan, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam
Wolf, Christof, GESIS
Wong, Jason, Australia Bureau of Statistics
Wyla, Belinda, CSIRO
1 - 28 of 28 Items
RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology
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